John Brien (SPC 1953-58) returns for SPC visit

John Brien with his friend Janette Acton in front of his 1957 whole school photograph in the school’s main hallway. John was in Leaving class in 1957.

We were delighted to welcome back former boarder John Brien (SPC 1953-58) to the College recently.

John, who lives in Toowoomba QLD now, was rapt to visit the school and even watched our rowers out on Lake Wendouree.

John, who still competes in the Masters Rowing championships at the age of 84 years, was Rowing Captain at SPC in his Leaving Year in 1957.

He was stroke in the SPC Firsts rowing team that year, narrowly losing to Ballarat High in 1957 and the disappointment is still there.

He continues to take an avid interest in SPC’s rowing achievements.

John and his brother Brendan (SPC 1962-64) came to SPC from Euroa, with other local boys including Brian Vear (SPC 1952-56) who went on to compete in two Olympic Games, and John McCormack (SPC 1951-54).

John and Brendan’s family were stock and station agents. Brendan went home after finishing at SPC to work in the family business, and sadly passed away at the age of 21 years.

John said he loved the opportunities available to him at SPC also playing in the First XVIII Football BPS championship side under Br Bill O’Malley in 1957. He was also a member of the championship Second XVIII Football side in 1956 and Under 15 XVIII Football premiers in 1955.

John also played cricket and was a member of the Nunan House Senior Shed premiership side in 1954, member of the Guard Platoon, winners of the LT-Gen Secombe Trophy in 1956 and a member of the Sodality of Our Lady and St Vincent de Paul.

John studied woolclassing at SPC and went onto RMIT, becoming a wool buyer and eventually a publican, chuckling when he says he made sure his customers “never became dyhydrated”.

John pictured with his crew members after narrowly finishing second in the 1957 Head of the Lake.


John, pictured in his Leaving class photograph, as published in the 1957 College Annual.


John was a member of the BPS championship-winning First XVIII Football team in 1957.


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