We are saddened to learn of the passing of Joseph Francis (Frank) Hutchinson (SPC 1945-47, PY1948) on 16 March 2024, just shy of his 93rd birthday on 28 March.
Frank’s mother died when he was 13; and a few months later, he completed Grade 8 at the Landsborough public school. Frank initially boarded at St Pat’s, whilst his father sold the Landsborough Hotel and then moved the family to Ballarat. Frank then became a day student and completed his Leaving Certificate. His daughter Julie recalls her father recounting a story about being at St Pat’s and hearing the news that the war had finished – everyone went out to the main street to celebrate!
Of particular interest is Frank paid for his Term One fees from his “rabbiting money” ie, from shooting rabbits! Frank had been given a rifle for his 13th birthday!!
Frank threw himself into school life and he was a member of the Galvin House footy and cricket premiership teams.

Frank always spoke very highly of the Christian Brothers and the education that he received from them. His family remembers Frank commenting that if it hadn’t been for these men making this sacrifice, a whole generation of Catholic men would not have been educated and gone on to live more prosperous lives. He felt their dedication helped raise the profile of Catholics in our society.
Frank went on to become an accountant and worked in many different roles in the dairy industry. He was a Melbourne Olympic Torch Bearer in 1956 and carried the torch at 3am in Creswick. He was a man of strong faith and to the very end, was still praying and his family were praying with him.
A Funeral Mass as held at St Christopher’s Church in Syndal on 26 March 2024.
We offer our deepest condolences to Frank’s extended family including his wife Marie, children Claire, Maree, Sue and Julie and their extended families on his passing.