We extend our deepest condolences to the family of Old Collegian Kevin Michael Ryan (SPC 1944-47), who passed away on August 7, 2022, aged 90 years.
His family remembers their father Kevin enjoyed his connection to St Pat’s and enjoyed sharing his memories of boarding as a young boy.
“St Pat’s always held a very special place in Kev’s heart,” his son Anthony recalls.
Kevin was the youngest of 12 children, from Grassmere in the Warrnambool district. He boarded at St Pat’s and started in first year.
During his time at SPC, Kevin was also part of the junior literary and debating society and a member of the inaugural SPC Young Farmers Club committee.
After leaving SPC, Kevin returned home to work on the dairy farm. He also grew potatoes and onions.
He was very involved in the local community and played many sports which he had commenced during his participation in at St Pat’s. He played football, cricket, tennis and table tennis. His family have many trophies from all his sporting achievements.

They also remember that Kevin was also very proud of his boxing trophies from school (Kevin was named the SPC Under 6st Boxing Champion in 1946).
Kevin married Irene and together, they had two children – Anthony and Marcia and seven grandchildren.
Three of his grandsons followed in his footsteps, attending SPC – Tom Ryan (SPC 2000-05), Josh Ryan 2002-06, PY2007) and Matt Ryan (SPC 2009-14) – and they were always so proud when their grandfather attended the St Patrick’s Day Mass and Luncheon while they were students.
Kevin made many lifelong friends during his time at St Pat’s, particularly Ian Bradford (SPC 1943-49, PY1951)), who he remained in close contact with all his life.
Kevin and Irene moved into Warrnambool and enjoyed many years of retirement remaining active in the local Parish of St Pius, St Vinnies, golf and bowls.
Kevin often talked fondly of his time at St Pat’s and held many special memories and lots of entertaining stories.
A Requiem Mass was held for Kevin at St Pius X Church in Warrnambool on 15 August, 2022.
Thank you to Kevin’s family for assisting with this tribute