Leadership positions for Brs Brady and Whitefield

St Patrick’s College is proud to share the exciting news that two Old Collegians have been appointed to the leadership team for the Christian Brothers’ Oceania Province.

Br Gerard Brady, left, and Br Geoffrey Whitefield.

Br Gerard Brady (SPC 1965-70) and Br Geoffrey Whitefield (SPC 1975-80) have been appointed to the leadership team for the Christian Brothers’ Oceania Province.

Effective from September 8, Br Brady will be the Oceania Province Leader while Br Whitefield will serve on the leadership panel as a Councillor.

On accepting the new position Br Brady spoke of his upbringing in Victoria’s western district and his education, which “was with the brothers in Ballarat who opened my eyes to a wider world of learning, academia and exploration”.

“I gain much from exploring spirituality, inspired by my work with young people over many years. Being around our brothers as they age reminds me of their wisdom, their rich lived-experiences and their vulnerabilities. I look forward to working with you in becoming an Edmund Rice people in a global community.’’

Br Whitefield was born in Sunshine, in Melbourne, the eldest of four. His contact with the brothers began at St Patrick’s College in 1975.

Inspired by them, he joined the congregation in 1982. In terms of ministry, Br Whitefield has been involved in parish primary schools in Victoria, Tasmania and NSW for 22 years. This included time as a class teacher, a religious education coordinator, special programs and student welfare teacher, and 10 years as a principal.

Br Whitefield has described his experience with the Congregation’s Passover Program which took him to Lima, Peru and Freetown, Sierra Leone, as “life-changing”.

In 2009 he moved into Formation and Spirituality, studying Spiritual Direction at Heart of Life, Melbourne, and Religious Formation at Loreto House, Dublin. He gained some short-term experience in the novitiates of West, East and South Africa before being appointed and spending six years in Papua New Guinea.

In 2018 he returned to Australia to divide his time between the Edmund Rice Formation Team Oceania and the Brothers’ Spirituality Circle Oceania. His interests include a wide range of art and music, as well as animation, railways and the occasional foray into science fiction.

We offer our congratulations to both fine men on receiving such lofty accolades.

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