Curriculum overview
Delivering exceptional education tailored to the unique needs of boys.
At St Patrick’s College we prioritise delivering exceptional, holistic education tailored to the unique needs of boys.
Our instructional methods are evidence-based and informed by cognitive research, ensuring effective learning experiences.
With highly structured lessons, we gradually transition students to independent learning, fostering confidence and competence.
Team collaboration among educators ensures consistency and equity, promoting continuous improvement and student development.
Junior School
Years 7 and 8
A broad and comprehensive curriculum is emphasised in Years 7 and 8, giving students an effective and enjoyable transition into secondary school. Science, Humanities, Music (Band), Visual and Performing arts, Technology, Computing, Language (Japanese or Spanish) along with Physical Education and Health combine with a focus on key literacy and numeracy skills to provide the foundation of the Junior School. The Enhanced Learning team assists in developing an understanding of student strengths and weaknesses, and programs can be adapted to cater for individual needs.
Middle School
Years 9 and 10
The Middle School program aims to engage students in a range of educational experiences that enable them to enhance their personal strengths and forge future pathways. Research shows that at this stage of the learning journey, many boys benefit from practically-focussed activities that provide them with challenges and effectively connect different parts of the curriculum. Students continue to build numeracy and literacy skills whilst being involved in an exciting range of experiential learning, focussed specifically on the formation of young men. Year 10 is characterised by a significant increase in program and subject offerings, with some students commencing accelerated VCE and vocational education and training (VET) studies.
Senior School
Years 11 and 12
The senior years are marked by a broad range of subject choices that equip students with skills and knowledge required to confront the challenges of an ever-changing world. Students have access to a wide variety of subjects and pathways to meet their learning needs and attain the certification most relevant to their future education and employment goals.
Students can undertake:
- Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)
- VCE Vocational Major (VM)
- Vocational Education and Training (VET) certificates
- Structured Workplace Learning (SWL)
- School-Based Apprenticeships (SBATs)