We catch up with former College Captain Mitch Tuddenham (SPC 2012-2017) who loved the place so much, he returned as the HaPe Trainee in 2018. Mitch is now at university studying psychologyy. We chatted to Mitch during his time as a HaPe trainer about some of his fondest memories of his time at SPC.
Favourite hobbies: Sports, mainly footy, listening to music, reading, spending time with mates
Favourite food: Chicken Parmigiana with chips
Favourite sporting team: Paris Saint-Germain FC
Favourite TV show: Riverdale
Favourite movie: Good Will Hunting
Favourite travel destination: Favourite place that- I’ve travelled to would be Paris, however I would like to visit somewhere totally different from the western world like Egypt or somewhere.
If I could be anyone for the day, I would be-¦. The Lead singer of Gang Of Youths, Dave Le’aupepe
What is your role at the College now? I am the HaPE Trainee, so I help out in the Sport and PE offices.
What are your hopes and aspirations for the future? Short term, I would like to settle into uni in the next couple of years possibly studying either architecture or graphic design. In the long run, I’m not really sure, all I hope is that I strive to be the best version of myself.
What are your favourite memories of your time at St Patrick’s College? Boat Race day of Year 12 was pretty special as I got to see my classmates win the Head of the Lake. It was such a great feeling with everyone coming together to cheer on our peers. Other memories include four square or downball at lunch, the games nearly always ended in an argument, and the last person out after the bell would cop a few playful hits from everyone.
Did you have a nickname at school? Tuddy or Skip.
Which teacher from your time at SPC had the greatest impact on you? Why? Howard Clark. We had the connection through football but he was also invested in my life outside of footy, he was always interested in my schoolwork, in other sports and in my leadership. He was also someone I felt comfortable going to see with any problems I had and he’d always give me the right advice. Other teachers include Andrew Chamings, Art Nichols, Danny Moore, Elizabeth Ryan, Clare Condon- and Sarah Sharp- for pretty much similar reasons: offering the right advice and saying the things I needed to hear.
How has your time at SPC shaped your professional life and personal values? I am now much more confident with people. Having the role that I had helped me to learn a lot about how far I could push myself in my leadership. I think after the six years of being a student, the one thing that stands out is how important good relationships are.
If you could pass on one message to the students of today, what would it be? To make the most of the opportunities they have at St Patrick’s. Be kind to others and be willing to have a go.