2021 Year 7 Enrolment at St Patrick’s College

October 18, 2019

Enrolment for 2021 in Year 7

Application for enrolment to St Patrick’s College is now open for Year 7 in 2021.- For further information and to obtain a Prospectus, please contact Registrar Caitlin Bennett at cbennett@stpats.vic.edu.au Alternatively please click on the following link to view further information and download the Prospectus from the SPC website:


The application closing date is Friday December 6 at 4 pm. All applications must accompany the $50 Application Fee.

College Open Mornings

Each Friday morning at 9am the College conducts tours for prospective students and their families. This is an ideal opportunity to see students and staff in action in a wide range of learning areas. Current parents are also most welcome to attend. To book a place on a tour please make an online booking at this link.https://www.trybooking.com/XIVK