Administration Report – May 10, 2018
May 9, 2018
Secondary School Vaccinations in 2018 -“ Year 10 students
The Secondary School Vaccine Program offers a free vaccine to 10 students to provide protection against:
Meningococcal A, C, W, Y -“ one dose for year 10 students
The City of Ballarat immunisation service may contact you about the Secondary School Vaccine Program. Schools are authorised to provide basic parent/guardian contact details to local councils for this purpose.
Additionally, the Commonwealth government is funding vaccinations for all children under 20 years who missed scheduled vaccines. If students have missed vaccines, either in childhood or adolescence, and require catch-up vaccines, they should speak with their immunisation provider. (ie. local council or GP).
At St Patrick’s College the date booked for year 10 students to receive their vaccine is:
Monday June 18
Students received the immunization consent cards earlier in the year and were asked to return them to the college. If the card has not been returned, please do so as soon as possible. If the card has been misplaced a new card can be obtained from the student reception desk in the Edmund Rice Centre.
To learn more about the Secondary School Vaccine Program, the vaccines, the diseases they protect against, or how you can prepare your child for vaccination, go to or contact the City of Ballarat immunization services:
Immunisation Services
City of Ballarat
The Phoenix Building
25 Armstrong St. Sth
Ballarat Victoria 3350
Ph: 03 5320 5850
Senior School Examinations
The Senior School examinations for Years 10 and 11 will take place from Tuesday June 5 and will conclude on Friday June 15. No regular Year 10 or 11 classes will be conducted during this time and students are required to attend the College only for their exams. Students in these year levels who currently are enrolled in a VCE Unit 3 subject are required to attend these classes. The schedule of exams is attached.
Please click on- this link– for the Year 10 Exam Schedule
Please click on- this link– for the Year 11 Exam Schedule
Please be aware that there are no Year 10 or 11 exams scheduled for Wednesday June 13. On this day all students in Years 11 and 12 who are undertaking a VCE Unit 3/4 subject or a scored VCE VET Unit 3/4 subject are required to undertake the GAT.
Subject Change Requests for Semester 2
Students in Years 9 -“ 11 who wish to request a change in their elective subjects for Semester 2 need to collect the relevant form from the ERC. These forms need to be completed in full with all required signatures and returned no later than Friday June 8.
Please be aware that, while all reasonable efforts are made, not all changes will be possible due to possible clashes with current subjects or the intended class may already be full.