Wellbeing Report

By Mrs Elizabeth Ryan, Deputy Principal – Student and Staff Wellbeing Travelling to and from St Patricks College Parents, please ensure that your son is aware of his responsibilities as a commuter and the need to adhere to the code of conduct fair and reasonably expected of all commuters regardless of whether they are students…

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Mission Report

by Director of Mission, Mr Geoff Brodie Dear families and friends of St Patrick’s College, This is not the Crest article I had in mind at the start of the week. On Sunday we celebrated Mass with the Boarding Community and welcomed our new Chaplain, Fr Eladio Lizada. Fr Eladio offered us inspired words that…

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A special message – three decades on

As the Ballarat community prepares to celebrate all the colour and excitement of this weekend’s Head of the Lake Rowing Regatta, it presents an opportunity to look back at one of the most celebrated moments in our College’s history and relive some glory. It has now been exactly 30 years since the famous St Patrick’s…

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Pastoral Care Update

2020 Pastoral Care Program: Information for Parents Year 8 Father Son Night – Tuesday March 17 The annual Year 8 Father/Son night will happen on Tuesday March 17, from 6.30pm in the Gymnasium, with break out discussions to occur in the Junior and Middle School classrooms. I would please encourage all Year 8 students to take…

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Careers Update

Please read the Weekly Career News each week to ensure you keep up to date with upcoming career events and key dates. Please click on the following link to view the current Weekly Careers News. Weekly Careers News 18 Feb 2020 Happy reading!  

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Director of Sports Report

Director of Sport, Ms Tina Benoit, provides a wrap-up of all sporting activities at the College. To view the sports report please click on the link below. Sports Report Term 1 Week 4  

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St Patrick’s College Embarks on Energy Efficient Initiatives

St Patrick’s College is embarking on a move towards becoming a more sustainable school with the planned installation of solar panels and an increased focus on the use of LED lighting at the College. For the first time St Patrick’s College is installing approximately 390 solar panels at the College in an effort to enhance…

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Middle School Report

Year 9 Queenscliff Camp Over the coming weeks the Year 9 students will attend the first of their experiential experiences. By now you will have received their information letter and permission form via PAM. This needs to be attended to with permission granted and the medical profile update otherwise you son cannot attend the camp.…

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Junior School Report

by Gavin Webb, Director of the Junior School A warm hello to all. The fourth week of Term 1 is now complete, and the vast majority of boys have made an exceptional start to the year in the Junior School. There has been quite a number of year level and College events that the boys…

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Boarding Bulletin Board

By Director of Boarding, Mr Mike Silcock News around the Boarding Precinct The first few weeks has been a hive of activity within our Boarding Community. On Saturday 8th February our Boarders, accompanied by our Boarding staff, went for a day trip to the Geelong foreshore. This activity is a favourite amongst our Boarders as…

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