Headmaster’s Address to 2019 Valedictory Dinner

The following is a transcript of the address Headmaster John Crowley delivered at the 2019 Valedictory Dinner: “Can I begin by offering a very warm welcoming to everyone here tonight: parents, carers, family members, staff, those helping us out tonight across a variety of areas and, most importantly, our Graduating Class of 2019. In offering…

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Senior School Report

by Director of the Senior School, Mr Hamish McCrum The VCE Information Night scheduled for Monday November 18 has been cancelled. It was felt it would be more efficient and effective for families to communicate the relevant information via email or through PAM at various times through the end of this year and into 2020.…

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Ballarat Community Notices

Fire Awareness Day – Saturday November 16 at  G Gay & Co Mitre 10 Whilst many parts of Australia have been experiencing prolonged drought, our local dams are full and there has been prolific grass growth over the past few weeks. It will dry out soon though and all that grass growth means an increased…

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Director of Sports Report

Acting Director of Sport, Tina Benoit, provides a wrap-up of all sporting activities at the College. To view the sports report please click on the link below. Sports Report Term 4 Week 6

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Careers Update

Please click on the link below for the latest Careers News. Compass Career News 15 November 2019 The Vocational Education & Training system plays a crucial role in the Australian economy From childcare to land management, from machinists to maritime workers, the VET system is the key to ensuring that Australians have the skills needed…

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Headmaster’s Message

by St Patrick’s College Headmaster, Mr John Crowley Dear Parents, Carers, Staff and Students of St Patrick’s College, Last week, our thoughts and prayers were with those communities in New South Wales and Queensland who were severely impacted by the devastating bushfires. These fires were ferocious, destroying many homes and taking a number of lives.…

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Mission Report

by Director of Mission, Mr Geoff Brodie VCE exams continue across a broad range of studies. At the end of next week, we shall celebrate our Annual Valedictory Dinner and our young men become old boys of the College. But for the moment, many students continue preparing for and completing exams. The criterion for framing…

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Teaching and Learning Report

by Deputy Headmaster Teaching and Learning – Mr Stephen Hill St John’s High School, Chandigarh visit  St John’s High School is an is an all-boys, English medium school administered by the Congregation of Christian Brothers in India. Having visited St John’s late in 2018 as part the College’s commitment to the Edmund Rice Education Beyond…

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Boarding Bulletin Board Term 4 Week 6

Boarding Bulletin Board Term 4 Week 6 News around the Boarding Precinct The entire Boarding Community would like to congratulate Mr Silcock on his achievement of recently finishing the New York Marathon. On top of this, Mr Silcock also raised over $10,000 for MND Victoria in the lead up to the event. This is an…

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Middle School Report

Last week, following our long weekend, we headed out with all of the Year 9s to complete our final camp experience at The Grampians. Our final camp experience saw the largest undertaking engaged by the College as we successful transported, housed, fed and offered a myriad of outdoor experiences for the entire Year 9 Cohort…

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