From worlds apart, unique friendship blossoms

From worlds apart, a unique bond has been forged between two Year 7 students in their first year at St Patrick’s College.   Eric Yang hails from the bustling Nanjing metropolitan region in China, about 305km west of Shanghai, along with 30 million other residents. He is the first international Year 7 student to enrol…

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Old Boys at 2019 SPC Careers Expo

Thanks to the many Old Collegians who braved the wintry conditions to attend the annual St Patrick’s College careers expo recently and passed on to current students some useful tips and pointers from their own areas of expertise. – These Old Boys included: David Adams (SPC 2009-14) -“ accountant -“ Findex Australia Torin Beattie (SPC…

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Senior School Report – June 20, 2019

This coming week we wish our Year 10’s well while they are out on work-experience.- Some students will gain an idea, specifically or generally, of the direction they might like to work toward in terms of career.- For some students their work experience might even lead to an offer of an apprenticeship or part time…

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Boarding Bulletin Board – June 20, 2019

-‘Boarding Bulletin Board (T2)’ News around the Boarding Precinct As this term draws to a close, we look back on the many opportunities that have been made available to our Boarders over the course of this semester. Volunteer opportunities on a Monday evening, as part of the agreement with The Smith Family, have helped not…

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Information Technology Update – June 20, 2019

ICT service disruption On the June 5 a number of students received phishing emails which were attempting to gather credentials and propagate further spam. Unfortunately, some boys clicked these links and their accounts further spread the spam email. The College has taken a cautious and thorough approach to reinstating services with the intention of minimising…

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1st XV Rugby – SPC d GGS – June 19, 2019

St Patrick’s College 1st XV vs Geelong Grammar- Full time: 12 -“ 5 (HT 5-0) Try scorers: Ethan Jessop, Kenny O’Connor Conversions: Hayce Alama (0/1), Kenny O’Connor (1/1) We have reached a -‘mid-point’ to the season. Six rounds into this year’s competition and with just two regular season games to follow after the holiday break.…

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Pastoral Care Report – June 21, 2019

2019 Pastoral Care Program: Information for- Parents Keeping Safe: Information for- Parents As part of St Patrick’s College mission to create a safe and secure learning environment for our students, it is crucial that our broader community of parents are well-informed with the latest information and research available, so we can work as partners to…

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Mission Report – June 20, 2019

-‘Christ Within Us’ Staff Formation Day- July 15 Next term our staff will start looking at who we are, how we live as a faith community, and how we communicate this in our teaching and relationships with the boys. Some of our goals are: How do we identify our own image of God and how…

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Careers Update – June 20, 2019

Please click on the following link for a comprehensive Careers Newsletter and update from Career Tools. The newsletter includes school holiday university experience programs, career as a financial planner, circus arts, pathways to registration as a psychologist, steps to an apprenticeship and more.

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