Mission Report – May 16, 2019

A brief moment to recall recent events would bring to mind the following: Mothers’ Day Mass Edmund Rice Day Mass, with the Walkathon and St Pat’s Has Talent Year 11 Justice Experience Lap of the Lake National Boarders’ Week Dinner Year 10 Homeless Night Normal classes This list is far from exhaustive, but it illustrates…

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Middle School Report – May 16, 2019

A huge thank you to all of the parents who attended our Middle School Parent Information Night in preparation for their son embarking on the Melbourne Experience in Week Two of next term. It was a wonderful evening to get together and bridge any concerns parents had about this very different learning experience that their…

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Wellbeing Report – May 16, 2019

Mother’s Day Mass and Breakfast Last Friday approximately 650 gathered for our annual Mother’s Day Mass and breakfast. Once again, despite the horrendous weather, mothers, grandmothers and students braved the elements to participate in a celebration full of joy, laughter and warmth. This year we trialled accommodating all attendees in the same venue to remove…

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Darcy Williams wins national triathlon medal

Year 10 student Darcy Williams recently represented Victoria at the National Triathlon Championships on the Sunshine Coast. He has written the following report documenting this wonderful experience: “I recently travelled to the Sunshine Coast for the Australian Schools Triathlon Championships. Being my third year doing this, I was proud to be honoured with the role…

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2019 1st XV rugby – SPC v Marcellin

St Patrick’s College 1st XV vs Marcellin College (A) Full time: 32 -“ 22 (HT 15-0) Try scorers: Ethan Jessop (2), Kenny O’Connor, Owen Pearse Conversions: Hayce Alama (3/4) Penalties: Hayce Alama (2/2) There had been a significant amount of heartache upon the final whistle of the 2018 VSRU Grand Final, however it unfairly masked…

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Director of Studies Update – May 2, 2019

2019 NAPLAN for Year 7 and Year 9 students The 2019 National Assessment Program -“ Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) for Years 7 and 9 students will be held on Tuesday May 14, Wednesday May 15 and Thursday May 16. Friday May 17 will be used as a -‘catch-up’ day for boys who were absent for…

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Waste Prevention & Climate Change-Toby Clack Yr9

Climate Change is now proven, and it is widely believed that it will be humanities biggest and most dangerous threat in the future. At St Patrick’s College we want to do something about this problem and this is being led by our student action group SAGERS.- SAGERS stands for Student Action Group Environmentally Resource Smart.-…

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Administration Report – May 2, 2019

Friday Detentions changing to Thursday Detentions To assist our teaching and support staff in maintaining fruitful relationships with our students, a decision has been ratified by leadership to change Friday detentions to Thursday Detentions. This change will be effective from May 9. The decision has been made to help facilitate students who need to get…

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Middle School Report – May 2, 2019

Welcome back to all of the Middle School families. I hope that everyone was able to enjoy the Easter break and are now well and truly back into the swing of things and are looking towards another very positive term of school. We had a magnificent turn out for the Middle School Parent, Student Teacher…

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