Careers Update – May 2, 2019

6 Important Job Hunting Lessons You Need To Learn By Marta Malchevski, Foundation for Young Australians, 2019. I don’t think I know anyone who loves the job hunt. Maybe people who have cold showers every morning love the challenge, but for the rest of us, searching for jobs is pretty tough. To help ease the…

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Mission Report – May 2, 2019

Happy Easter. He is Risen. He is Risen Indeed! I hope and pray that your Easter Sunday was filled with every grace and blessing, and that this continues throughout the Easter Season. Let us remember that Easter lasts fifty days, and with it, the duty of joyfully celebrating the Gift of God’s love so that…

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Pastoral Care Report – May 2, 2019

2019 Pastoral Care Program: Information for- Parents 2019 Year 7 Mother & Son Night -“ Tuesday May 21 The annual Year 7 Mother & Son night will be held in Week 5 of this term, on Tuesday May 21. This evening is a fantastic opportunity for our Year 7 boys and their mothers or significant…

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Senior School Report – May 2, 2019

Welcome back to school after a timely Easter break.- I hope that families were able to enjoy their time together with some relaxation and reflection.- As we enter into Term 2 and the Ballarat winter starts descending, many students and families become aware that each school year is more of an endurance event than a…

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Teaching and Learning Report – May 2, 2019

Welcome back to Term 2 and I hope you all enjoyed a restful break! I know that through our ongoing collective efforts to support all aspects of the College’s teaching, learning and wellbeing programs that we will continue to make real difference to the outcomes of our boys. Co-Headmasters As previously announced Headmaster, Mr John…

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Wellbeing Report – May 2, 2019

Welcome to Term 2. One of the Edmund Rice Education Australia Touchstones is -Inclusive Community- and for many this just means that all students should be able to have the opportunity to access and participate in the vast range of educational programs offered at St Patrick’s College. This, in fact, is true. However, last week…

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Boarding Bulletin Board – May 2, 2019

-‘Boarding Bulletin Board (T2)’ News around the Boarding Precinct It was an early start on ANZAC Day for our Boarders, but such an enriching experience when we all attended the Dawn Service at the Sturt Street Cenotaph. Along with members of the Ballarat Community, our Boarders were privileged to be a part of such a…

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2019 SPC Tour of Ireland – Day 13

We made the most of our last day in London. Walking through the gates of Lord’s, we were ready for an extensive tour of the home of cricket. The view of the pitch from the Long Room, the Players’ Change Rooms with their detailed honour boards and the actual Ashes were of great interest to…

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Day 12 – London sightseeing

After a cracking breakfast in the beautiful Radisson Blu Vanderbilt, we all set off for Palm Sunday Mass at Westminster Cathedral. Funnily enough we bumped into the Loreto girls after Mass and exchanged travel stories. The boys then divided into groups and armed with maps and underground passes became serious sightseers in London. The Changing…

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