2019 SPC Tour of Ireland – Day 10 Giant’s Causeway & Belfast

After an early breakfast, where the highlight on the menu was fried soda bread, we set off for the Giant’s Causeway. The boys were in awe of this magnificent, natural wonder. Armed with audio tours, they had the opportunity to listen to a blend of well-informed history, geology and fable surrounding the battle of the…

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Day 9 – Maghera

Day 9 -“ Maghera We awoke to a frosty but sunny morning and the day only got better. We were told that it snowed this time last week but the day was still and mild. After a huge breakfast the boys prepared their kit for the match against St Patrick’s College, Maghera. The first game…

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2019 SPC Tour of Ireland – Day 8 Derry and Maghera

On the bus early, we travelled for an hour before we descended on a roadside inn for breakfast. The proprietors had never served so much breakfast to so many in such a short time. They did a marvellous job and congratulated themselves by clapping and cheering after the final service. Hunger sated, we drove north…

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SPC Tour of Ireland – Day 6 – Cobh & Blarney

A breakfast fit for kings – after three days of cereal and toast, to be availed of a buffet where they were spoilt for choice left many boys thinking they had died and gone to heaven! Our first destination was the Port of Cobh where we visited the Cobh Heritage Centre. Students were each provided…

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Blue skies and sunshine streamed over the city this morning. The River Liffey glistened and light bounced off the grey buildings of Dublin as we left the city on our way to Waterford. Hometown of our school’s founding father, Blessed Edmund, the trip to Waterford gave us a chance to see some of Ireland’s beautiful…

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SPC Tour of Ireland – Day 5 – Waterford and Cork

Today our plan of attack was to divide and conquer. This morning we split into two groups, one going to the Kilmainham Gaol and the other to the Little Museum of Dublin. Both were exposed to the history of Dublin from very different perspectives. One on the social impact and crime which arose from the…

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SPC Tour of Ireland – Day 3

Despite the drizzle, our guides Paddy and Michael set off at cracking pace to lead our walking tour of all things Dublin. The highlight was clearly the Millennium Spire and Dublin Castle. The boys were fascinated to hear the history of the 1916 Easter uprising and the struggles the Irish people faced in their fight…

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