Mission Report – March 21, 2019

The Feast of St Patrick is always a day of great joy at our College. Led by Bishop Paul Bird and our College Chaplain, Fr. Anthony Nagothu, the Mass is a thing of beauty that invites and evokes participation in the great loving mystery of God. A special mention must be made of the students…

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KRC Update – March 21, 2019

Homework and Study in the KRC Students are welcome to do their homework and course revision in the KRC. We open at 8.00am and close at 5.00pm (4.00pm on Fridays). Lunch and recess are also available as times to complete homework.- Internet access is available, and this is great for those who have connectivity issues…

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Headmaster’s Message – March 21, 2019

Dear Parents, Carers, Staff, Friends and Students of St Patrick’s College, St Patrick’s Day celebrations On Sunday March 17, the College hosted a number of Old Collegians for lunch to celebrate the feast day of our Patron Saint, St Patrick. It was a lovely occasion where many fond memories of school life was shared between…

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Teaching and Learning Report – March 21, 2019

Follow-up to last week’s Term One Parent/Student/Teacher interviews Thank you to all parents who embraced our new arrangements for last week’s Parent/Student/Teacher interviews. It was particularly pleasing to see so many boys in attendance and the attention they paid to the conversations about their learning. As we noted in previous communication, it was not possible…

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Careers Update – March 21, 2019

What does it mean to be digitally literate? We hear a lot about digital literacy. We know it’s important to have the skills to confidently navigate technology but the quest for digital literacy can be kind of vague. Is it enough to be able to search on Google and send emails? Does everyone need to…

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Headmaster’s Message – March 8, 2019

Dear Parents, Carers, Staff and Students of St Patrick’s College, As you will be aware, last week’s news of Cardinal Pell’s conviction has seen a period of great personal and collective challenge for all of us and for many reasons. I am particularly aware of the impact it has had on staff who have given…

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Catholic Education Parent Presentation

On Monday, March 25. St Patricks College will be hosting a presentation exploring the distinctive nature of Catholic Education. – This presentation supports one of our goals to engage with our families about the heritage of St Patrick’s College and how our relationships develop with our families, within our Catholic tradition. The details are listed…

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Waste Prevention at SPC

Waste who wants it? Waste who wants it?- We definitely do not want waste at St Patrick’s College.- Waste not only costs our community money and the aesthetic beauty of our surroundings, it is also one of many things beginning to threaten the life support mechanisms of our planet.- At St Patrick’s College we want…

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Year 7 Camp Reflection – Isaac Postlethwaite Yr 12

My experience on Year 7 camp by guest reporter Isaac Postlethwaite -“ Year 12 I arrived with Mr Chamings at the Log Cabin camp in Creswick on the first day of the Year 7 camp where I spent the next few days assisting with the camp. I participated in some of the activities with the…

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Boarding Bulletin Board – March 7, 2019

-‘Boarding Bulletin Board (T1)’ News around the Boarding Precinct Year 9 camps have commenced and we have had many boarding students enjoy a change of scenery as they headed off for a three-day adventure to Queenscliff. Here they participated in a range of activities, including windsurfing and abseiling. They all certainly slept well on their…

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