Wellbeing Report – March 7, 2019

Tour of Ireland -“ Parent Information Meeting Our final Parent Information Meeting prior to departure, will be held on March 13 at 7pm in the OCA Pavilion. At this meeting students will receive their Football jumpers x 3, hoodies, backpack and final instructions.- Further, Leonie Spencer will be on hand to give advice about money,…

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Middle School Report – March 7, 2019

Last week saw the first two of our four Year 9 camps completed and this week will see the final two Queenscliff camps being completed. We have been blessed with excellent weather and perfect conditions for each of our activities. Each camp has started with a very clear journey, of some challenge, as the boys…

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Careers Update – March 7, 2019

The jobs of the future -“ and two skills you need to get them Could a robot do your job? Millions of people who didn’t see automation coming will soon find out the painful way. The answer is a resounding yes. The World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs study predicts that 5 million jobs will…

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Teaching and Learning Report – March 7, 2019

Term 1 Parent/Student/Teacher interviews Parent/Student/Teacher interviews for Term 1 will be taking place on Tuesday, March 12. The interviews will commence at 4:00pm and conclude at 8:30pm. There will be meal break for teachers between 6:00pm and 6:30pm. Please note that students are expected to attend these interviews with their parent(s).- New arrangements for 2019…

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Pastoral Care Report – March 7, 2019

2019 Pastoral Care Program: Information for- Parents Year 8 Father Son Night -“ -Stepping Stones- – Tuesday March 19 The inaugural Year 8 Father / Son night will be held on Tuesday March 19, from 6.30pm in the Gymnasium, with break out discussions to occur in the Junior and Middle School classrooms. I would please…

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Senior School Report – March 7, 2019

Congratulations to all our rowers for their fine efforts in training and in rowing in the re-scheduled Head of the Lake on Wednesday, and again to those crews who were successful on the day.- Commiserations to our First Crew, Connor Shugg, Will Peucker, Tom Barry, Brayden Sands and Jackson Long who did not have a…

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Mission Report – March 7, 2019

We are in the solemn Season of Lent The solemn person is one possessing a deep sincerity from which emerges serious thoughts. Lent is our time to be honest about what truly motivates and directs our lives. Lent is our time to be careful and exact in naming what is at the centre of our…

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Mindfulness and Smiling Mind

What is Mindfulness? -Mindfulness is paying attention to the present moment with openness, curiosity and without judgement- -Smiling Mind This is a practice we could bring into any activity throughout the day- eating, driving, talking to someone, spending time in nature, even brushing our teeth. Meditation is the formal practice of mindfulness. What is Smiling…

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KRC Update – March 7, 2019

Ballarat Australian Ex-Prisoners of War Memorial St Patrick’s College has a rich tradition of recognising Old Boys who have fought in wars.- Ballarat too has such a tradition and over the past three years the Australian Ex-Prisoners of War Memorial Trustees commenced a campaign to suggest that in lieu of Wreaths, a Book Tribute be…

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