Boarding Bulletin Board – February 21, 2019

-‘Boarding Bulletin Board (T1)’ News around the Boarding Precinct This past Friday night we celebrated our -‘Welcome to Community’ Boarding Community Mass and Dinner. We started the evening with Mass in the College Chapel led by Father Rupert, followed by a traditional Indigenous Smoking Ceremony in the Boarding Precinct Garden. We then moved down to…

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KRC Update – February 21, 2019

WIRED -“ Wide Interest Reading for English Development Years 7 – 9 WIRED has begun in earnest for the 2019 year.- This year we welcome Mrs Ann-Maree Hannon to the WIRED team.- Ann-Maree is a teacher librarian who brings a wealth of knowledge in the area of Young Adult Literature which will assist our endeavours…

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Wellbeing Report – February 21, 2019

From the Deputy Headmaster -“ Staff and Student Wellbeing Celebrations and after parties can pose a significant challenge to parents! Pressure to host an after-party, a gathering or a pre-party are the top three events that parents contact the College about. In an effort to pre-empt a number of issues arising from- celebrations and after…

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Careers Update – February 21, 2019

Future Ready: A student focused National Career Education Strategy Future Ready: A student focused National Career Education Strategy was developed in collaboration with a national group that brought together the voices of education, business and industry, parents and carers, career practitioners and youth. The strategy was endorsed by the COAG Education- Council in February 2019.…

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Junior School Report – February 21, 2019

The school 2019 year has started smoothly in the St Patrick’s College Junior School. The new Year 7 students have entered the College with a good degree of enthusiasm and eagerness to get involved in the College and all it has to offer. Our teachers have worked for many hours to ensure that curriculum, class…

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Middle School Report – February 21, 2019

Year 9 Queenscliff Camp Over the coming weeks the Year 9 students will attend the first of their experiential experiences. By now you will have received the information letter and permission form via PAM. This needs to be attended to with permission granted and the medical profile updated otherwise you son cannot attend the camp.…

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Old Boys in the News – February 2019

Our Old Boys have been busy, including: – -¢- Congratulations to Old Collegian Brandon Lauton (SPC 2012-17) who has been selected in the 28-man Melbourne Victory Squad which will compete in this year’s Asian Champions League. As part of the squad, Brandon will have the opportunity to represent the A-League club in matches against powerhouse…

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Memories with Gavan Connell (SPC 1961-68)

We thank Old Boy Gavan Connell (SPC 1961-68), pictured above, who has been living in Mexico for the past 15 years, for sharing his own memories of life as a SPC student in the 1960s. – -I have been following these snippets with interest and amusement, and thought I might add my two bob’s worth…

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Where are they now – Stephen Kirby (SPC 2004-09)

The College reconnects with Stephen Kirby (SPC 2004-09) who was College Captain and is now working in the corporate law sector and has recently returned to Ballarat. Stephen recalls his many fond memories of his time at SPC.   Where has life taken you since leaving SPC? I didn’t leave SPC for long after Year…

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