Careers Update – September 6, 2018

The best jobs in Australia for 2018 Global jobs site Indeed has analysed its search data for Australia, uncovering the best local jobs. Indeed examined tens-of-thousands of job posts to identify well-paid roles that have seen remarkable levels of growth and present great opportunities for job seekers or those considering future career options. Technology, building…

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Headmaster’s Message – September 6, 2018

Dear Parents, Carers, Friends, Staff and Students of St Patrick’s College, Update on planning for 2019 and beyond As all members of our community will be aware, there is a great deal of activity around our planning for 2019 and beyond. This includes several important initiatives in the- areas of Learning and Teaching, Mission and…

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Applied Learning Update – September 6, 2018

Applied Learning The Father’s Day PaddyMart was a success with over $260 raised towards the Cancer Council. The boys all put in a good effort as part of demonstrating outcomes in their Personal Development Skills Strand – Project management. The standout projects included Noah Hoskins’ bottle top boards, a very appealing project which attracted a…

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Boarding Bulletin Board – September 6, 2018

-‘Boarding Bulletin Board (T3)’ News around the Boarding Precinct Term 3 is drawing to a close and we are extremely proud of all that our Boarders are achieving, both within and outside of the classroom, in all their personal pursuits. Mr Silcock gave our Year 10 cohort an enterprise challenge at the beginning of this…

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Teaching and Learning Report – September 6, 2018

College Transfer of Leadership and Awards Assembly The College’s Transfer of Leadership and Awards Assembly will be held on Tuesday, September 18 at 9.30am in the O’Malley Sports Centre.- 2019 Subject Selection Online submission of proposed 2019 Year 9 studies A reminder to current Year 8 students that they are required to submit their 2019…

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Come and play chess in the KRC!

Chess in the KRC With regular games held at lunch on Tuesdays, the KRC now has a strong chess club. Open to all, the boys have the opportunity to play each other with the view to making the St Pat’s Chess team. Under the direction of Chess Master Nathaniel Winfield supported by Monica Green, we…

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Mission Report – September 6, 2018

In an era not so long ago it was a polite and friendly compliment to refer to a man as a –gentleman and a scholar-. As with all such idioms, there is no clear origin, however I would like to offer one interpretation. Firstly, a gentleman is a man who is respectful and courteous to…

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Information Technology Update – September 6, 2018

Care of Device -“ Avoid Water Damage in School Bag With spring upon us it can mean rain and showers can occur, particularly in Ballarat. Moreover, often Murphy’s Law will apply – “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong” and the rain or showers will occur just as the boys are going to or…

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Middle School Report – September 6, 2018

Debating offers the invitation to develop skills for all aspects of life, as it requires participants to work together thinking about issues from multiple viewpoints. However, its greatest asset is its push to develop the ability to confidently speak publicly in front of others. In this sense, debating offers the opportunity to develop a person…

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