Director of Sports Report

Director of Sport, Ms Tina Benoit, provides an update on sporting activities at the College. Please click on the link below to view the Sports Report. Sports Report Term 3 Week 2

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Principal’s Message

by Principal, Mr Steven O’Connor Lockdown and Remote Learning v5 Welcome back to Term 3. This certainly is not how I wanted the new term to commence and I am conscious that returning to lockdown and remote learning yet again, is less than an ideal way for the College to operate and for students to…

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Junior School Report

By Mr Gavin Webb, Director of the Junior School “Attitudes are infectious…Is yours worth catching?” Over the last week I have heard many people say, “I can’t believe this, back in lockdown again, how terrible”, whilst I have heard other people say, “it could be worse, we’ll get through this, we did longer stints last…

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Cyber Bullying: Imaged Based Abuse

by Deputy Principal, Mrs Elizabeth Ryan Cyber Bullying: Imaged Based Abuse One very common challenge that has emerged as young people have increased access to technology is student on student Online sexual harassment and image-based abuse. Winter holidays and the current lockdown result in many of our students having large amounts of downtime and, of necessity,…

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Wellbeing services for students during remote learning

by Deputy Principal, Mrs Elizabeth Ryan As Lockdown No 5 extends into next week our boys are again forced to manage the uncertainty which lockdown creates: Will we be going on Year 8 camp? When will footy resume? Will the GAT be rescheduled? From past experience we know that this uncertainty creates a degree of…

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ICT Report – student device care and malware

By ICT Manager Eliesha Knox and Ian Fernée 1:1 eLearning Coordinator Given the global move to remote learning and working from home we need to be cautious and proactive against our online behaviours so that we limit risk to ourselves and those around us. Malware is one of these risks as it is malicious software…

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Middle School Report

by Mr Michael Busscher, Director of the Middle School  Welcome back to the second Semester. Unfortunately, the Melbourne Experience planned for this week had to be cancelled due to the Victorian increase in Covid-19 numbers and the Victorian Government’s decision to lockdown Melbourne. Covid-19 has struck once again and there will be no further opportunity…

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Mission Report

by Director of Mission, Mr Geoff Brodie The Catechism of the Catholic Church begins with the affirmation that God, who is infinitely perfect and blessed, in a plan of sheer goodness, freely created us to share in his own blessed life (CCC 1). At the risk of sounding too technical, God is unconditioned. Unlike the…

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July 20, 2021 – College update on COVID-19

Dear Parents, Carers and Guardians of St Patrick’s College, Sadly, the State Government has this morning announced a continuation of the lockdown period as Victoria aims to combat the COVID-19 outbreak. The lockdown is now due to be lifted at 11.59pm on Tuesday, July 27. Throughout this period, we will offer on-site supervision for those…

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Careers News

Please read the Weekly Career News each week to ensure you keep up to date with upcoming career events and key dates. Please click on the following link to view the current Weekly Careers News. Weekly Careers News 20 July 2021 Mr Anthony Meehan Careers and Transition Manager

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