Junior School Report

By Mr Gavin Webb, Director of the Junior School Welcome to the 2021 school year at St Patrick’s College, especially to the Year 7’s and new Year 8 students. No doubt the summer break was full of rest and great experiences with your loved ones, be it on a holiday or just spending quality time…

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Middle School Report

by Mr Michael Busscher, Director of the Middle School  Firstly, welcome back to all of the 2021 Middle School families on behalf of the Middle School Team. As always we are looking forward to working with your sons as they begin their Middle School Journey. In particular, I wish to make all of our new…

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Middle School 2021 Parent Information Evening

The 2021 Middle School Parent Information Evening was held on Monday, February 1, 2021. A copy of the presentation delivered by the Director of the Middle School Mr Michael Busscher is available at the following link: Middle School Parent Information Evening  

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2021 Principal’s Welcome Letter

Dear Parents, Carers and Guardians of St Patrick’s College, I am very excited and honoured to welcome you to the 2021 school year and write to you for the first time as the new Principal of St Patrick’s College. I look forward to working with you in the years ahead as we strive to provide…

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Old Collegian policeman recognised in Australia Day Honours

St Patrick’s College is extremely proud to learn today that Old Collegian Detective Sergeant Kevin Carson (SPC 1970-73) has been honoured with an Australian Police Medal in today’s Australia Day Honours List. For nearly 29 years Detective Sergeant Carson has investigated sexual offences committed against children that included a number of high-profile cases in the…

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Dux of 2020 revealed

St Patrick’s College is delighted to today announce that Kai O’Keeffe is the College Dux for 2020 after recording an impressive ATAR score of 98. Kai joined St Patrick’s College as a Year 7 student in 2015 and has consistently been one of the College’s top academic performers. Kai said he was excited with his…

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Reliving memories of Head of the Lake race from over 50 years ago

When we shared long-lost footage from the 1969 Head of the Lake race recently, it sparked many memories from our Old Boys, including one of original SPC crew members. John Coffey (SPC 1965-69) was the stroke in the 1969 SPC firsts crew alongside Gregory Baker (SPC 1967-69), Peter Connelly (SPC 1965-70), bow Graeme Vear (SPC…

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Community reflections on a challenging year

In a year like no other, when unexpected challenges seemed to leap out from every shadow, the College community had to endure enormous stresses brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. To document the issues faced by many we asked several members of our broader community to provide their summary of how they coped with 2020.…

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Where are they now – Nathaniel Winfield (SPC 2004-09)

The College recently reconnected with Nathaniel Winfield (SPC SPC 2004-09) who is always a friendly face among the students and staff as a current teacher at SPC and Head of the Religious Education Facility. Nathaniel was recognized for these attributes with his nomination this year in the College’s governing body, EREA’s staff awards program, for…

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