Boarding Report – August 10, 2016

August 9, 2016

A number of our boarders have experienced disappointment recently, with defeats for our 1st XVIII football side in the Herald Sun Shield Grand Final, and our 1st XV rugby side in the VSRU Semi Final.

Our boarders are a resilient group and have rebounded in the finest fashion. It is in defeat or disappointment that we all learn about our true character. That said I wish not to focus this fortnight’s Crest contribution on the heartache felt by some, instead choosing to focus on the many warming moments that occur on a daily basis.

Our housemasters will throw the spotlight on their individual houses -“ I would like to reflect on our Term (3) Boarding Community Mass and Dinner.

Our Mass was an intimate affair and we are eternally grateful to Father Rupert for again leading us. I would also thank Geoff Brodie, our Director of Mission, for his continued support of our boarding community. He and his team give of their time so generously of spirit and are always welcomed. Our Mass was followed by a meal that celebrated the cultural diversity within our boarding community.

One of our talented chefs has Thai heritage so she was charged with creating a menu that reflected the wonderful vibrancy of Thai cuisine. With all our boys dressed in a colourful tie and the dining room transformed, the results were simply stunning. I must thank Leticia, our Catering Manager Sean Roscoe and all our catering team for a marvellous effort. Tristan Loy and Tyrese Thompson won the prize for the most colourful ties, as judged by the Headmaster’s mother, who joined us for this special community moment. It was several hours of great community entertainment and an early highlight for this term.

I will also add my congratulations to Jed and Tom Millard, Tim Liston and Jarrod Illig who last week were all awarded Chris Nolan awards, which are awarded to students who have maintained an average of 80% across all subjects in a given semester.

This is a wonderful accomplishment and, especially for Jed, Tim and Jarrod as Year 12 boarders, demonstrates the excellent work ethic at this crucial time of their academic journey. A boarding education will always celebrate all facets of an education but academic success will always raise the loudest cheer. Well done boys.

Kenny Catch-up

This term is certainly flying past, with it getting closer and closer to when the year 12 cohort will finish their time boarding at SPC. It will be amazing to witness the success that these boys will experience, but it will also be difficult to say goodbye!

It was extremely pleasing to see a couple of the Kenny year 12 boarders awarded a prestigious Chris Nolan award at the recent whole school assembly -“ well done to Jarrod Illig and Tim Liston on all of your hard work to this point.

I am continually amazed with the talents and gifts that the boys of Kenny display throughout their time here. One of our younger boarders, Liam Hall, was part of the winning Community Video at the National Indigenous Music Awards in Darwin on Saturday night. In remote Aboriginal communities, film clips are powerful modes of communication. They play crucial roles in educating communities and delivering important messages of all kinds. This year’s National Community Music Clip went to -‘Break The Silence’, a clip produced by the remote South East Arnhem Land community of Ngukurr. The community collaborated with the Ngukurr School, White Ribbon Australia and Indigenous Hip Hop Projects to create a film clip and resource touching on the powerful messages of the White Ribbon campaign -“ -‘Break The Silence’. Liam was a spokesperson for the group and made a wonderful speech when receiving the award.

I am also extremely lucky to witness the many pieces of artwork that are produced from the boys, as well as the woodwork and welding skills, when chairs, tables, hall stands and sculptures are brought to the house. I repeatedly feel a sense of pride when it comes to the Kenny boys, but it is when they are happy and enjoying their time with us that makes everything worthwhile.

Miss Tamara Westwood

Senior Housemaster, Kenny House

All is travelling along well with our Kenny Boarders. We are quickly approaching the halfway point of Term 3. Winter this year has been quite severe for Ballarat, shortly we will experience a subtle change towards spring that will no doubt suit us all, even though Kenny House is very warm and comfortable, we all miss the sun. All the boarders are progressing well and enjoying each other’s company, which is always splendid to see. Our new Gap Tutors Ed and Josh have been a great new addition to our Boarding team; our boarders are more than comfortable with them both and greatly appreciate their commitment and assistance. Recent highlights from a weekend perspective has been the Ten Pin Bowling activity as well as a visit to watch the Ballarat Miners Basketball team in action, our activities always receive praise and enjoyment from the boarders that are available to participate. Another highlight was our termly Boarding Family Mass / Dinner. Another wonderful evening and lovely to see everyone that was available in fine spirits and together as a group. Many thanks to all that work so hard to make these evenings possible. That is all from me for now, more Kenny House feedback shortly.

Mr Ewen Larsen

Weekend Housemaster, Kenny House

Introducing- Jarrod Illig

Year Level:- 12- – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Home Town: Stawell

Interests: I like sport and music- – – – –

Favourite Food: Raw tuna and rice.- – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

How long have you been a Boarder at SPC: Since 2015.- – – – – – – – – –

What made you choose to board at SPC: Mum and Dad thought it would be a great place to board.- –

Future Plans: No idea but I would like to go to uni to further my education.- – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Phyland/Farley Catch-up

Boarders develop many differing characteristics to their day school counterparts. They develop a great deal of independence, which, although we provide a warm and supportive homely environment, becomes almost crucial to their success as a boarder. It has been fantastic that over the last couple of days as I have touched base with a number of parents for many of our new boarders this increase in independence and maturity has been tangibly noticed by both our end within the house and from the home -end-. All of that said, home time and contact with home is still important and so it is with great excitement that a number of our young men look forward to getting out of the boarding house for the weekend and for those whose family are close, getting that opportunity to sleep in their own bed for an extended weekend!

It is also important given recent events that we acknowledge that our boarders develop very close friendships with their -brother- boarders. One particular case that expresses this close bonded relationship was in the past week as we paused to remember a young man from Grammar whose life was tragically cut short who would have celebrated his 18th birthday. Whenever young adults face such a loss it can been quite challenging for that community, but amidst a challenging situation it has been fantastic to see the boys supporting each other and that they are comfortable sharing their thoughts and feelings. It is a strong testament to the type of young men within our house. Once again we bore witness to the outstandingly supportive nature of the young men who call St Pat’s home during the term time.

So as we approach the long weekend we encourage our young men to recharge their batteries and look ahead to finishing the term well.

Mr Michael Murphy & Mr Daniel Willey

Housemaster & Weekend Housemaster, Phyland/Farley House

Look after yourselves.

Mr Mike Silcock

Director of Boarding