Careers Update – November 1, 2018

October 31, 2018

The New Work Reality, June 2018-
The transition for young people between full-time education and full-time work is increasingly uncertain

FYA’s latest report,- The New Work Reality,– follows the journeys of 14,000 young people over a decade to show that half of Australia’s 25 year-olds are unable to secure full-time employment, despite 60% holding post-school qualifications.- The report identifies the four most significant factors that can accelerate the transition from full-time education to full-time work, including an education that builds enterprise skills, being able to undertake relevant paid work experience, finding paid employment in a sector which is growing and an optimistic mindset.

Download report:

Revealed: 21 Future Jobs

Even as the world is changing because of artificial intelligence, humans have never been more integral to the future of work, a new study of futuristic jobs revealed.

Cognizant, the global professional services company, launched the second part of the -Jobs of the Future- report that surveys career paths that will potentially emerge alongside new technologies.

-Some of the jobs will be highly technical, while others will be more low-tech. Some are already observable in the marketplace (if you squint), while some are years away from coming to fruition,- said analysts from Cognizant.

-Some will propel a career for 60 years, while others will be -‘gigs’ that come and go,- they said.

No matter the changes, however, the analysts believe -human imagination and ingenuity will be the source of human work ad infinitum-.

This year, Cognizant proposed 21 jobs of the future:

1. Low to mid-tech within five years

  • Data Trash Engineer

  • Juvenile Cybercrime Rehabilitation Counsellor

  • Joy Adjutant

  • Head of Business Behaviour

  • Uni4Life Coordinator

  • E-sports Arena Builder

  • Tidewater Architect

  • Virtual Reality Arcade Manager

  • Vertical Farm Consultant

    2. Low to mid-tech within 10 years

  • Subscription Management Specialist

  • Chief Purpose Planner

    3. Mid to high-tech within five years

  • Cyber Attack Agent

  • Voice UX Designer

  • Smart Home Design Manager

  • Algorithm Bias Auditor

  • Cyber Calamity Forecaster

  • Virtual Identity Defender

  • Head of Machine Personality Design

    4. Mid to high-tech within 10 years

  • Machine Risk Officer

  • Flying Car Developer

  • Haptic Interface Designer

    -Who isn’t under pressure to outrun the machine? Only the most myopic or insulated (through success or failure) can see that what got them -‘here’ won’t get them -‘there,’- the analysts said.

    -Everybody has to figure out what to do -‘when machines do everything.’ Some will stay and fight; some will run,- they said. -Some will tell the machines what to do; some will be happy to take orders.-

BGT Jobs and Training Career Info Nights for Apprenticeships and Traineeships – 6pm November 29, December 11, January 15 and February 12.

For more information and to view the BGT flyer please click on this link