

Careers Update – February 2, 2018

Careers & Transitions In 2018 the C&T strategic plan will be on a whole school approach to career development. The initial focus in Term- 1 is on Year 12 Career Action Plans and then filters down Senior School Years 11 and 10. After the mid year break the focus shifts to Middle School and then…


Careers Update – December 6, 2017

Careers Update All career news, events and course information is available at the SPC Careers – Home Page including the latest Weekly Career News issue –


Careers Update – November 23, 2017

SPC Careers – Home- Page has all the latest career news and events- at Check the site for Weekly Career News- with feature articles on Change of Preference for Year 12 students. Federation University, Student Recruitment Manager, Veronica Boast- live at SPC on Monday 18 December for 1 – 2 hours. Kind regards Mr…


Careers Update – November 9, 2017

Careers & Transition Office Weekly Career News this week features: INCREASING THE CHANCE OF GAINING GRADUATE EMPLOYMENT AFTER UNI VOCATIONAL & HIGHER EDUCATION NEWS UPCOMING EVENTS -“ NOVEMBER, DECEMBER, JANUARY Senior students for local apprenticeship/ employment- vacancies required: Food & Beverage Attendant Swimming Teacher – PT Apprentice Joiner All careers information available at the SPC…


Careers Update – October 24, 2017

Careers- and Transitions The Year 12s have “left the building”; the Year 11 Morrisby Review is underway; the Year 10 work experience program is done and dusted and- school subject selections are wrapped up for another year. Now that we are heading into exams we wish the Year 12s all the best. Apprenticeships and summer…


Careers Update – October 12, 2017

SPC Careers – Home Page- open at:


Where are they now – Jason Gigliotti (SPC 1984-89)

The College recently reconnected with Jason Gigliotti (SPC 1984-89) who enjoyed the many relationships he shared at SPC during his time.     Where has life taken you since leaving SPC? After finishing Year 12 in 1989, I went fruit picking. It was a great break away and helped save for the first car. I…


Careers Update – September 15, 2017

SPC Careers -“ Home page Featured in the Weekly Career News this week: Focus on vocational training Work for the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) straight after Year 12 Cybersecurity careers New Bachelor of Veterinary Nursing – La Trobe University and Melbourne Polytechnic Bachelor of Veterinary Technology, Charles Sturt University New Bachelor of Psychology…


Careers Update – August 31, 2017

SPC Careers -“ Home page at Incorporating the Weekly Career News. This week’s topics: Upcoming career events VTAC Advice Nights at Swinburne University Portfolio Information Evenings at Deakin University Careers and Creative Day, Monash University- Digital Media courses Information Technology Scholarship Programs Unique Engineering degree at Charles Sturt University UNSW Medicine Information Evening –…


Mindshop Excellence

Congratulations to- the ten Year 10 students who- recently graduated from Commerce Ballarat’s Mindshop Excellence Program, which pairs high achieving students with local businesses to help solve real business problems. One group of our students spent the week with insurance company Simplex, helping to drive customer engagement and increase sales, while a second group worked…