
General News

Mission Report – February 7, 2019

One of the many gifts of a school is the opportunity for a new start. In the spirit of Jesus’ Resurrection, we can start afresh with a new life and sense of hope every new year, every new semester, every new term, and every new day. This is true for our new students, families and…


Obituaries – 2017

St Patrick’s College honours those Old Boys who have sadly left us and recognises their contribution to the life of the College and to broader society in general: 2018: Mick Kershaw (SPC 1969-1970, PY 1974) died on February 17, 2018 after a battle with cancer. Mick was a day student from Ballarat and finished Form…


Outstanding academic results from Class of 2018

St Patrick’s College is excited to announce that 2018 College Captain has achieved a rare double honour in being named College Dux for 2018. With an ATAR score of 99.05 Sam became the first College Captain to also been crowned Dux since David Range in 2007. Sam’s amazing effort capped off a fantastic performance by…


Memories on Br O’Keane

Memories of Br O’Keane have continued to stream into the Green, White and Blue e-newsletter after our recent stories detailing the -mystery of Ballarat’s weird obsession with the bocka- and its possible connection with SPC’s very own Christian Brother. Old Boy Reg Fenton (SPC 1953-56) also remembered fellow Old Boy Jim Gallagher’s (SPC 1956-60) memories…


Where are they now – John Deany (SPC 1949-53)

The College recently reconnected with John Deany (SPC 1949-53) who had a fabulous time at our recent SPC 125 Anniversary Dinner at the Melbourne Cricket Ground in October. John recalls some of his fondest memories and teachers who helped him along the way. – Where has life taken you since leaving SPC? Since leaving St…


Where are they now – Fr Gerard Dowling OAM

The College recently reconnected with Fr Gerard Dowling OAM (SPC 1949-50) who celebrates this year the huge milestone of reaching 45 years on air as the regular host on the RSN 927 AM ever Sunday from 10pm to 12am called The Family Counsellor. The Family Counsellor is the longest running show of its kind; established…


OCA President’s Column – 2018

– What a year it has been for the OCA. It has been a year of many memorable events culminating with the 125 anniversary dinner at the MCG. Whilst it has been a very busy year for the committee, we all enjoy doing what we can to keep Old Boys connected with each other and…


End of an era in SPC football

A remarkable chapter in the history of the St Patrick’s College football program has come to a close with iconic 1st XVIII coach Howard Clark stepping down from the role after an incredible 18-year reign. Mr Clark is widely regarded as the driving force behind the resurrection of the College as a powerful football force…


Old Boys in the News – December 2018

Our Old Boys have been busy, including: -¢- Old Boy Dominic Hanrahan (SPC 1986-87) got himself into a pickle recently when he was trampled and knocked out by a cow which had been spooked by his cattle dog on his Navigators property. Luckily, his 14-year-old daughter Gemma took control, calling triple-0 and locked up the…


Engagements, Marriages and Births – December 2018

Our SPC community has plenty of exciting news to share: – ENGAGEMENTS Congratulations to Martin Healy (SPC 1981-86) and Natasha Brookes, who announced their engagement recently. Congratulations to Oliver Yeung (SPC 2005-10) and Cassie Mason, who announced their engagement recently. – BIRTHS Mick Ranger (SPC 1995-2000), pictured above,– and wife Renae welcomed the arrival of…