
General News

Where are they now – Jacob Bowker (SPC 2004-09)

The College reconnects with Jacob Bowker (SPC 2004-09) who has a career that most would be envious of, working as a musician on a cruise ship, around the many tropical ports in the Caribbean.     Where has life taken you since leaving SPC?- I was studying music for the first five years after I…


Where are they now – John O’Brien (SPC 1978-79)

The College reconnected recently with former boarder John O’Brien (SPC 1978-79), who, true to the St Pat’s spirit, refused to be beaten when he was told he could no longer drink beer after being diagnosed with Coeliac disease 20 years ago. Since then, John, pictured with his lovely wife Susan, has turned a hobby into a…


Where are they now – Dylan White (SPC 1997-98)

The College recently reconnected with Dylan White (SPC 1997-98, PY2002) who visited the College in Term 3 in his role as Lieutenant Commander (Executive Officer) of HMAS Ballarat. Since this visit, Dylan was busy preparing for deployment in the Middle East when his ship had to make an unexpected detour, making the national news, with…


2018 VCE and VCAL results

The month of December is a significant one for all Year 12 students across the state. Not only does it mark the official end of secondary school for these students, it is also the time when they receive details of their academic performance in the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) and the Victorian Certificate of…


Senior School Report – November 29, 2018

The Year 12s celebrated their Valedictory Dinner last Friday.- It is a great way to finish and good to celebrate when all the work that can be done has been done.- The Gym undergoes a massive transformation with a huge contribution from a large number of people.- In the end, we had a fine venue…


Junior School Report – November 29, 2018

Junior School Exams Junior School exams will take place between December 3- 6. It is an expectation that boys sit exams. It would be appreciated if dental and medical appointments not be made during exam times. Exams will only be sat during the designated times; no alternate arrangements will be made for students absent during…


SPC Music Bands Tour Local Primary Schools

St Patrick’s College Music Bands Tour Local Primary Schools St Columba’s Primary School, St Alipius Primary School and St Thomas More School were the performance venues for the recent St Patrick’s College Junior Music Tour. – There were 56 boys as part of the touring party that performed a 30-minute show at each primary school….


Director of Sport Report – November 29, 2018

Please click on this link– for a Sports Report from the Director of Sport, Mr Gavin Webb. –


Mission Report – November 29, 2018

In the last Crest, I invited you to consider a series of questions. How do we invite students to expand their horizons freely so that they take up the responsibility of living a life worthy of their human capacity and dignity? How do we awaken within their hearts the desire to know the truth, to…


Information Technology Update – November 29, 2018

ICT at St Patrick’s in 2019 The St Patrick’s College vision for eLearning is to provide technology-enriched learning opportunities that enable students to achieve high-quality learning outcomes, preparing them for further education, and training and to live and work in a digital world and 2019 will see the continuation of the 1:1 program across all…