
General News

Old Boys in the news

Our Old Collegians have been in the spotlight recently, including: – – Jake Laidlaw (SPC 2008-12) was among the Old Boys to come along to St Patrick’s College’s recent Senior School Careers Expo. It was an incredible chance for current students to talk to Jake, who was recently named the Apprentice of the Year. This…


Old Boys in the News – October 2018

Our Old Boys have been busy in the news recently, including: -¢- Congratulations to Liam Duggan (SPC 2009-14) who is now an AFL Premiership player after playing a key role in West Coast’s premiership win over Collingwood in the 2018 AFL Grand Final. Amid the euphoria of winning an AFL premiership, Liam talks in this…


Where are they now – Ollie Nash (SPC 2011-16)

The College reconnects with Ollie Nash (SPC 2011-16) who is studying sport journalism and working with a film production company in his spare time. Ollie says the beginning and end of his schooling career at SPC were among his fondest memories.   Where has life taken you since leaving SPC? Since graduating from SPC I…


Where are they now – John Sutherland (SPC 1985-88)

The College recently reconnected with John Sutherland (SPC 1985-88) who thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to renew old friendships at his Class of 1988 30-Year Reunion earlier this year.   Where has life taken you since leaving SPC? After boarding for four years, I have been able to live in a few countries and then resettle…


College response to National Apology

A message from the Headmaster in response to the National Apology to Victims and Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse Today’s Prime Minister’s National Apology to victims and survivors of child sexual abuse represents a much-awaited and long-overdue moment in the history of our nation. For too many years, even decades, these brave men and women…


Br Bill Wilding – Toast to SPC

A special toast to the history of St Patrick’s College was made by former St Patrick’s College Headmaster (1979-84) Br Bill Wilding at the College’s 125th anniversary celebration dinner at- Melbourne’s MCG last Friday evening: Friends of of St Patrick’s College, I am honoured to share some aspects of our rich history. This year we…


Mission Report – October 18, 2018

On Wednesday night, the College conducted its annual information evening for families with sons currently in Grade 5.- Every year, parents that only want the best for their sons come to listen to a range of speakers and take a guided tour of the College. I imagine it is only one night among many where…


Director of Studies Letter – October 18, 2018

2019 Director of Studies Mrs Julia Petrov is preparing for next year’s curriculum and sent this letter to- current Year 12 students this week: Dear Year 12 student, Next year I will be taking up the role of Director of Studies and part of the new role involves the establishment of a Year 12 Study…


Applied Learning Update – October 18, 2018

As the year progresses, we are very impressed with the development of many of our boys who are exceeding our expectations. As I write, tonight is the Celebration Evening of Applied Learning at St Pat’s and I must say it’s been an honour to acknowledge our boys with Certificates and Trophies as evidence which they…


Senior School – October 18, 2018

Unit 3/4- Practice Exams, September/October Holidays As is always the case, Term Four seems to be moving rapidly, especially for our Year 12s.- There is much to do in the term.- Most of our Year 12s came in and did their practice exams in the holidays.- They are now using their feedback to improve their…