
General News

Acting Headmaster’s Message – March 1, 2018

As a school in the Edmund Rice tradition, and given we have a large number of students and parents who are new to the community, it is important to take some time at the beginning of each year to reflect on our charism – that special gift from God that is fundamental to our story…


Information Technology Update – March 1, 2018

Microsoft Office for home for free! As part of the College’s membership to Office 365, all students are allowed to download the Microsoft Office suite for free on up to five home computers. This can be done quite easily by following the instructions on the iPad Parent Support page here: The important thing to…


Senior School Report – March 1, 2018

Last week the buzz around the school was very much about Head of the Lake.- The passion and school spirit that it stirs is an amazing phenomenon. The pride and sense of belonging the boys display in this week is the envy of many others. The behaviour of the supporters was in the main excellent;…


Mission Report – March 1, 2018

The Gospel of Mark records Jesus’ call of his first disciples in this way: As Jesus passed along the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the sea-”for they were fishermen. And Jesus said to them, -Follow me and I will make you fish for people.- And immediately…


Director of Sport Report – March 1, 2018

Please click on this link– for a Sports Report from the Director of Sport, Mr Gavin Webb. –


KRC Update – March 1, 2018

Homework in the KRC Students are welcome to do their homework and course revision in the KRC. We open at 8.00am and close at 5.00pm (4.00pm on Fridays). Lunch and recess are also available as times to complete homework.- Internet access is available and this is great for those who have connectivity issues at home.-…


SPC In India

SPC in India The College is thrilled to announce an exciting opportunity for current students in the Senior School. This November/December a small group of Senior students from SPC will be travelling to India for the first time as part of Edmund Rice Education Beyond Borders (EREBB). EERB is an International network of Catholic schools…


SPC Wins Head of the Lake

Head of the Lake The 2018 Head of the Lake came close to being postponed due to forecast high winds but in the end proceeded. The rough conditions presented an added challenge for our crews, but in true SPC spirit all crews did their best on the day despite the difficult conditions with many of…


Wellbeing Report – March 1, 2018

Parentline Parentline is a telephone counselling, information and referral service available to all Victorian parents and carers who have children up to the age of 18.- Parentline counsellors receive calls in relation to many parenting issues including managing family relationships, adolescent behaviour, sleep difficulties, tantrums, school refusal and bullying. Parentline is a confidential and anonymous…


Middle School Report – March 1, 2018

This week has seen the first two of our four Year 9 camps completed. We have been blessed with excellent weather and perfect conditions for each of our activities. Each camp has started with a very clear journey, of some challenge, as the boys made their initial entrance to the camp. This all forms a…