
General News

Senior School Report – November 24, 2017

Our Year 10’s are looking forward to their University experience on Wednesday November 29.- By now students should have made their selection from Melbourne University, RMIT, Deakin-Geelong and Victoria University-Footscray.- It is hoped that this day will help our young men look further ahead than they otherwise might; to consider courses, careers and life beyond…


Business Directory App – Promote Your Business

St Patrick’s College parents Stephen and Jodie Darbin are urging other businesses to throw their support behind the new SPC Business Directory App. The proud small business owners are using the College’s new app to promote their Bakers Delight Sebastopol business and SPC links with the wider College community. The Darbin family have strong links…


KRC Update – November 22, 2017

Reading Towards Deep Reading With the advent of mobile screens in our lives we are now reading more than ever. The range of content to read online is endless and can be both informative and entertaining. Whilst skimming and scanning, we scroll through thousands of words and images but how often do we deeply engage…


Mission Report – November 23, 2017

One of my favourite books to read during a quiet moment is a one volume dictionary of British history. This little gem contains precise and concise entries from The Treaty of Aachen to the Zulu people. The entries on the kings and queens makes for interesting reading. History has passed the whole range verdicts on…


Careers Update – November 23, 2017

SPC Careers – Home- Page has all the latest career news and events- at Check the site for Weekly Career News- with feature articles on Change of Preference for Year 12 students. Federation University, Student Recruitment Manager, Veronica Boast- live at SPC on Monday 18 December for 1 – 2 hours. Kind regards Mr…


Middle School Report – November 23, 2017

Our final camp experience saw the largest undertaking engaged by the College as we successfully transported, housed, fed and offered a myriad of outdoor experiences for the entire Year 9 Cohort for three days in the magnificent surroundings of Hall’s Gap and the Grampians. This is the only camp experience in which the whole year…


Junior School Report – November 23, 2017

Year 7 Presentation Evening A reminder to all that his year’s Junior School Presentation Evening will take place on Thursday, November 30 at 7:30pm in the O’Malley Sports Centre. All Year 7 boys are expected to attend as they will be performing as part of the Year 7 band and choir. Academic sporting and cultural…


Pastoral Care Report – November 23, 2017

2018 Pastoral Care Program: Information for- Parents 2018 will see the continuation of our whole school pastoral care program, implemented during -‘Pastoral Care’ extended class time.- The pastoral care program provides a sequenced curriculum from year 7 to 12, focused on developing the whole person, with the broad objective of developing and enhancing student work…


Boarding Report – November 23, 2017

If you can recall Boarding’s first Crest contribution of this year you will remember that I prefaced our 2017 year as a year of opportunity -“ an opportunity (first and foremost) for our boarders, with an array of potential endeavours, that the College offered, ahead of them, for our wider Boarding Community to take an…


Director of Sport Report – November 23, 2017

Please click on- this link– for a Sports Report from the Director of Sport, Mr Gavin Webb. –