
General News

Senior School Report – October 26, 2017

Our Year 12’s marked the end to their formal classes with a very positive Leave Taking ceremony which included many humorous reminiscences from the boys about their journey from Years 7 to 12.- The Thanksgiving Mass and supper provided an opportunity for students, parents and teachers to acknowledge this significant moment in time together.- Father…


Mission Report – October 26, 2017

On Wednesday night we gathered at St Patrick’s Cathedral to celebrate our Thanksgiving Mass. This Mass has the special focus of our Year 12 students. Led by our College Chaplain, Fr Anthony Nagothu, it was a time of great joy, gratitude and hope. The homily of Fr Anthony is offered for your reflection.- -Congratulations to…


Boarding Report – October 24, 2017

A celebration of our Year 12s in Boarding Last Sunday we enjoyed our annual celebration to mark the conclusion of our Yr12s Boarders time here at SPC. It was a wonderful evening, well attended by so many within our community. As always though I acknowledge that it is not always possible for our families to…


2019 Year 7 Enrolment

2019 Year 7 Enrolment at St Patrick’s College Applications close on Friday December 1, 2017 If you are considering a Catholic education for your son, St Patrick’s College offers an education delivering academic excellence, a strong focus on social justice, sports, and the arts. Enrolments for 2019 Year 7 are now open and you are…


Middle School Report – October 24, 2017

Just a reminder to all Year 9 families that this term will be a very busy one, as the boys continue their journey towards completing the Middle School. During Week 5 of Term 4 (8/11 -“ 10/11) the Year 9 students will attend their final expedition as part of the Year 9 Experiential Program. Your…


Careers Update – October 24, 2017

Careers- and Transitions The Year 12s have “left the building”; the Year 11 Morrisby Review is underway; the Year 10 work experience program is done and dusted and- school subject selections are wrapped up for another year. Now that we are heading into exams we wish the Year 12s all the best. Apprenticeships and summer…


VicSuper MENtal Brekky

St Patrick’s College was proud to host a challenging and emotional event last week when more than 200 people gathered for the second annual VicSuper MENtal Brekky, raising awareness of and funds for those in our community suffering mental illness. Our thanks are extended to key speakers Jason Trethowan (SPC 1987-91) as the national CEO…


VCAL Update – October 24, 2017

Applied Learning update: The Collaborative Berry St Project Applied Learning students recently took part in the celebration of a successful collaboration between Loreto College, Berry St and St Patrick’s College. It is best summed up in an article that appeared in the Ballarat Courier by Ashleigh McMillan and is contained below for your information: VCAL…


Pastoral Care Report – October 24, 2017

Both educators and parents can benefit greatly from maintaining a currency of knowledge in regards to the wellbeing of our young people. One way this can be achieved is through reading the latest research and/or ideas presented by leading professionals in the field of wellbeing and mental health.- One such book is called -‘The Prince…


KRC Update – October 24, 2017

Exam preparation Year 12 students are welcome to continue to use the KRC for their exam preparation. We are open from 8.00am until 5.00pm Monday to Thursday and 8.00am to 4.00pm Friday. There are spaces for group study with white and blackboards (chalk is a novelty) for group planning and discussion. Maths students find this…