
General News

Headmaster’s Message – June 8, 2017

Dear Parents, Carers, Friends and Students of St Patrick’s College, Last week, at the Aboretum in Canberra, I joined Principals from Edmund Rice Education Australia (EREA) schools throughout Australia to be a part of the formal apology to victims and survivors of child sexual abuse. The apology, delivered by the Executive Director, Dr Wayne Tinsey,…


Headmaster’s reflection at EREA apology

Headmaster John Crowley delivered the following speech in Canberra on Thursday, June 1, 2017 as the College’s governing body, Edmund Rice Education Australia, delivered a formal apology to victims and survivors of child sexual abuse. This reflection represents another significant step in the College’s journey towards reconciliation with victims and survivors. It follows more than…


Headmaster’s Message – May 26, 2017

Dear Parents, Carers, Friends and Students of St Patrick’s College, Last Friday, I had the great pleasure of recognising the contributions of four members of staff who have given 30 years of service to Catholic Education. This is a significant milestone which is worthy of special acknowledgement and celebration. Those staff members are: Mr Danny…


Year 10 Students Experience Night of Homelessness

Well done to the Year 10 students who participated in last night’s Night of Homelessness, gaining a first-hand appreciation of what it is like to be homeless. Students spent the night sleeping outside on College grounds, were constantly woken and asked to find a new location by teachers patrolling the school. After this night many…


Careers Update – May 25, 2017

Morrisby Online Parent Information Evening – this Wednesday May 31 REMINDER FOR THIS WEDNESDAY,- MAY 31st from 7.30pm in the OCA Collegians Pavilion. All year 10 parents are invited to a special Q&A session with Mr Barry Darnell, Career Analysts. Morrisby Online is the- ‘gold standard’ careers report and- been issued to- Year 10s this…


VCAL Update – May 25, 2017

As the year has progressed it is wonderful to see the boys developing independence in their learning. We have a number of exciting excursions coming up, with industry visits being the focus, supporting the theme of Employability for this term. So far most boys have visited Ballarat Pressings and Laminex Industries. In addition, drawing on…


Middle School Report – May 25, 2017

This week has been an ideal opportunity to remind all of our boys about their responsible use of ICT. All of our boys have been reminded that it is necessary for them to become familiar with the Responsible ICT Usage and ICT Device Protocol documents that are located in app4 under the INFO tab as…


Junior School Report – May 25, 2017

Junior School End of Semester Exams Junior School exams are not too far away. Over coming weeks the boys in Years 7 & 8 will be preparing for their exams. Year 7 students will be preparing for their first set of exams, they will sit exams in English and Mathematics. Year 8 boys will be…


Teaching and Learning Report – May 25, 2017

Assessment and Reporting at St Patrick’s College The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) publish guidelines for schools relating to the planning and implementation of the new F-10 Victorian Curriculum. One important consideration noted within these guidelines is a move from the one-size-fits-all approach to reporting to providing schools with the capacity to adjust their…


Boarding Report – May 25, 2017

What a remarkable fortnight it has been, with the highlight being a series of exciting opportunities that your son/s have been able to enjoy as boarders across Australia have celebrated the inaugural -‘National Boarding Week’. Starting the week on Mothers’ Day with our first -‘Great Ballarat Bake-off’ (won by House Captain Osmond Green-King and Demius…