
General News

VCAL Update – March 9, 2017

Applied Learning Program at St Pats!! In Applied Learning we are in completion mode with quite a large volume of paperwork being generated by all the boys, to meet outcomes in Literacy (Reading and Writing for Knowledge) Numeracy (Geometric 3D shapes) Work Related Skills (Occupational Health and Safety working with cement) and Personal Development Skills…


Performing Arts Report – March 9, 2017

West Side Story Rehearsals for West Side Story have recommenced and are going extremely well. The cast of 80 St Patrick’s College and Loreto College students are working very hard. West Side Story takes the story of William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet and transports it to modern-day New York City, as two idealistic young lovers…


Mission Report – March 9, 2017

-Man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.- (Matt 4) We are in the Season of Lent in which we are invited to discover the true meaning and value of our lives. Last Sunday the Gospel reading was the famous -Temptation- story, where Jesus is…


Winner of the 2017 Tuition Fee Raffle Announced

Congratulations to the winner of the St Patrick’s College 2017 Tuition Fee Raffle, Allison and Stephen Griffin. They have won $5,000 off a year’s Tuition fees. Well done and thank you to everyone who supported the raffle, which raised several thousand dollars. The money raised will help fund major College projects, including the new- Boarding…


Head of the Lake this Sunday – Support our Crews!

One of the major highlights on the College events calendar will take place on Sunday morning when our crews compete in the annual Head of the Lake. Excitement is building as our crews have enjoyed a fine preparation and have found strong form in all lead up races. Our passionate Year 12 boat race spit…


Information Technology Update – February 23, 2017

Can you see your son’s diary? – App4 Parent Login App4 is the official College diary and is used by teachers and students across the different year levels. You are able to access your son’s diary online to see homework and information from his teachers in a couple few ways: Download the App4 Parent app…


KRC Update – February 23, 2017

Resources for VCE subjects Students studying VCE subjects at St Patrick’s College will find a diverse range of resources through the VCE Resources website. Recommended by St Patrick’s College subject teachers and the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA), VCE subjects have pages of useful links and relevant material. Specialist databases like Science in Context…


Junior School Report – February 23. 2017

Year 7 Camps On Monday, February 6, three of our Year 7 classes found themselves out at Log Cabin Camp, Creswick, participating in the first of four camps over two weeks, designed to help the boys get to know each other and provide first hand experience of the traditions of the College. The facilities at…


Teaching and Learning Report – February 23, 2017

Academic Assembly The College community gathered last week for the annual Academic Assembly. The Academic Assembly recognises the academic excellence of our high achieving VCE and VET students and those boys whose aggregated performance in all semester two assessment tasks placed them in the top 15% of their year level. The College Dux is presented…


Senior School Report – February 23, 2017

The annual St Patrick’s College Swimming Carnival, was held on Wednesday at the Eureka Pool. The weather was perfect, warm and no rain and all the boys in the Senior school entered into the spirit of the event. Thank you. Study skills-¦ Let’s focus on organisation. An integral part of being a student is being…