
General News

Where are they now – Nathan Porter (1992-97)

The College reconnects with Nathan Porter (SPC 1992-97), who is looking forward to catching up with his old classmates at- his 20-Year (1997) Class Reunion in May.     Where has life taken you since leaving SPC? Life over the last 20 years has had many twists and turns. In a nutshell, the first 10…


Where are they now – Kain Ford (2009-10)

The College reconnects with Kain Ford (SPC 2009-10), who has been busy since leaving SPC, opening up his own online marketing agency, setting up a clothing brand with a fellow Old Collegian and is signed up to play in the QAFL this season.   Where has life taken you since leaving SPC? Since leaving St…


Headmaster’s Message – February 10, 2017

Dear Parents, Carers, Friends, and Students of St Patrick’s College, Year 7 and 9 Information Evening What a busy start to Term 1! I was absolutely delighted to see the number of parents and carers who were present at the recent Years 7 and 9 information evenings. I believe we had nearly 100% of Year…


Teaching and Learning Report – February 9, 2017

Teaching and Learning in 2017 Classes for the year have started very well and the boys have returned from the break with a noticeably positive attitude to learning. 2017 will see the College continue to trial, develop and implement a range of teaching and learning initiatives including: Expansion of the 1:1 device program with 2016…


2018 Year 7 Enrolment Applications close shortly

2018 Year 7 Enrolment Applications for 2018 Year 7 Enrolment close on Friday February 17 at 4pm To apply for enrolment please complete the Enrolment Application form which can be accessed via the following link: A $50 Application Fee is payable via credit card, cheque, cash or direct transfer upon lodgment of the Application…


Communications at St Patrick’s College in 2017

Communications at St Patrick’s College The- St Patrick’s College Crest- Newsletter is a- fortnightly newsletter emailed to all families and students every second Friday and aims to provide a thorough overview of news and events from around our large community. All items published in the Crest are also collated in two easy-to-find pages on the…


Information Technology Update – February 9, 2017

2017 eDiary for 1:1 Devices Years 7 – 12 2017 will again see all students at the College accessing the App4 eDiary on their own 1:1. App4 replaces the hard copy diary that has been used in the past and is available on the iPads through the App4 student app and as a web portal…


Boarding Report – February 9, 2017

There is a palpable buzz within our boarding community at the commencement of this new academic year -“ and it is infectious. In a somewhat unprecedented occurrence we have had more new boarders start this year than returning ones. The added excitement that a new boarder brings as they set about those first days of…


Middle School Report – February 9, 2017

Firstly, welcome back to all of the 2017 Middle School families. As always we are looking forward to working with your sons as they begin their Middle School Journey. In particular, I wish to make all of our new students feel most welcome as they embark upon their journey here at St Patrick’s College. May…


Senior School Report – February 9, 2017

We had a very smooth and orderly start to the academic year for which I acknowledge and thank all parents and carers for their behind the scenes support in ensuring that their son was equipped with the correct St Patrick’s College uniform and the required books and resources. Student Hairstyles Following on from Mr Sullivan’s…