
General News

College Chaplain Reflection – October 20, 2016

We all know that person who harps on continually about that overseas trip they’ve just had-¦ even months after that fact. Well, I’m going to be that person. After all, we still have to get through a couple of the Pope’s homilies from World Youth Day in Krakow. So, if you remember, we are up…


Wellbeing Report – October 20, 2016

Mental Health Week-The Work Continues-¦ Last week’s Mental Health Week assembly achieved the aim of beginning the conversation with the students about Mental Health and the importance of each of us being responsible for our own mental health. There were two guest speakers, Andrew Penny from Headspace and one of our two counsellors, Eric Hayes….


Mission Report – October 20, 2016

Thanksgiving has been a key theme for this week. On Sunday night our Boarding Community celebrated the year and invited the departing Year 12 students to have hearts of thanks for the many gifts they have received from their family and their time at St Patrick’s College.- From our Mass celebrated Fr Rupert Bowd to…


Director of Sport Report – October 20, 2016

Please click on- this link for a Sports Report from the Director of Sport, Mr Gavin Webb. –


Where Are They Now – Sean Balchin

The College reconnects with Sean Balchin (SPC 1986-90), who remembers his boarding time and rowing memories- fondly at St Patrick’s College.   Where has life taken you since leaving SPC? After leaving SPC I moved into a place of my own and got straight into work life, initially as a cabinet-making apprentice. I completed my…


Book your team for the OCA MENtal Golf Day

The SPC-OCA Golf Day will hit the greens again in 2017, this time with the special aim of raising awareness and funds for mental health. The OCA MENtal Golf Day will be held on Friday, March 24, 2017 at Midlands Golf Club. The 4-person Ambrose golf day aims to build on the College’s inaugural and…


SPC Working Bee – We need your help!

St Patrick’s College is holding a Working Bee on Saturday, October 29 from 9am to 1pm to undertake important works to enhance the College’s beautiful gardens and surrounds, and we need your help!- Please consider joining us at the Working Bee as a volunteer and let’s make a difference together. Many hands make light work!…


OCA Calendar of Events

Time to get your diaries out and pencil in these dates for an exciting calendar of OCA events planned in 2017. These events include the return of the revamped Golf Day, which will be known as the OCA MENtal Golf Day and will aim to raise awareness and funds for mental health and the College’s…


Old Boys in the News

Our Old Boys have been busy in the news lately, including: Congratulations to Victorian Bushrangers allrounder Matt Short (SPC 2008-13), pictured, who has been named captain of Australian Cricket development team to play senior South African team this week. To read more, go to this link– – This follows Matt’s recent stint vice-captain of the…


Call soon for tenders for new Boarding Precinct

It is with much excitement that the College will, at the end of this month, officially call for tenders for the construction of its much-anticipated new Boarding Precinct. It is envisaged that building works will commence by the end of this year, if not early 2017 and it is anticipated that the building will be…