
General News

Scholarships and College Tours

Scholarships at St Patrick’s College The College will be conducting a second Scholarship Testing day during the school holiday break on Monday July 4, 2016. Registration is open for Year 7, Year 10 and Year 11 students for the 2017 school year. Categories of application include academic excellence, art, performing arts, music, sport, leadership and…


Maths Accolades for Matthew Duffy

St Patrick’s College Student, Matthew Duffy, competes in prestigious Australian and International Mathematics Competitions Each year approximately only 100 students Australia wide are invited to sit the Australian Mathematical Olympiad (AMO). Students are selected by their performance in the Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC). Selected students from St Patrick’s College compete in this competition each year….


Director of Sport Report – April 28, 2016

Please click on this link– for a sports report from the Director of Sport, Mr Gavin Webb. Please click on this link– for a football report from the Directorof Football, Mr Howard Clark. –


Headmaster’s Message – April 15, 2016

Dear Parents, Guardians, Friends and Students of St Patrick’s College, Firstly, I would like to start with a warm welcome back to Term 2! The Easter season is now with us and provides an opportunity to enter this new term with a great sense of renewal and expectation. The promise of -new life-, present for…


Teaching and Learning Report – April 2016

2016 NAPLAN for Year 7 and Year 9 students The 2016 National Assessment Program -“ Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) for Years 7 and 9 students will be held on Tuesday May 10, Wednesday May 11 and Thursday May 12. Friday May 13 will be used as a -‘catch-up’ day for boys who were absent for…


Information Technology Update – April 14, 2016

Online Safety – Family Internet Safety Agreements The use of the internet at home plays a big part in our children’s lives. There are a number ways our children access the internet at home including on their smart phones, computers, laptops, iPods, tablet devices (iPads), smart TVs and popular gaming consoles such as Nintendo, Sony…


Senior School Report – April 14, 2016

Welcome back to Term Two, a very important term for all students in the Senior School. Sincere thank you to all parents for their support in ensuring the smooth transition to the winter uniform. As our boys are the public face of St Patrick’s College I continue to call upon your support in ensuring that…


Director of Sport Report – April 14, 2016

Please click on this link for a sports report from the Director of Sport, Mr Gavin Webb. –


Middle School Report – April 14, 2016

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome the Middle School students back for Term Two and I hope that everyone had a refreshing and relaxing Easter break with family and friends. With the hectic schedule of Term One now completed, this term will provide an opportunity for the boys to focus on their…


Mission Report – April 14, 2016

Welcome to Term Two. May it be a time of Easter joy and growth for us all. This term has started with a very positive experience. Whilst on duty in the canteen area I enjoyed a conversation with one of our generous parents who gives of their time to serve our students. This parent told…