
General News

AFL draft joy for SPC

St Patrick’s College 1st XVIII coach Howard Clark has seen dozens of his former charges drafted to AFL clubs over the years, but few have given him as much satisfaction as seeing Yestin Eades’ named called out in the 2015 AFL National Draft. Yestin was selected at pick number 64 by the Essendon Football Club,…


2015 Valedictory Dinner

St Patrick’s College celebrated an incredible new milestone at its 2015 Valedictory Dinner when 11 Indigenous students successfully completed their VCE. The College’s Indigenous Education Manager Mr Rick Balchin said the number eclipsed the 10 students who graduated in 2014 and was further proof of the remarkable success of the program which attracts students from…


2016 Booklists Now Available

The 2016 Year 7-12 Booklists are now available. The booklists are currently being distributed to families and can also be downloaded via our College website by clicking on this link A 2016 iPad Resource List, which provides information about the required iPad apps, is also available for parents to download.


Student Achievements

– Jeremy Coad Receives Pinnacle Scouting Award Congratulations to year 9 student, Jeremy Coad, on receiving the pinnacle accolade of scouting -“ the Australian Scout Medallion. Jeremy’s award was recently presented at a ceremony in Melbourne alongside a number of high-performing Scouts from around Victoria and recognises his many accomplishments in Scouts including the demonstration…


Headmaster’s Message – November 19, 2015

Headmaster’s Address- to Speech Night November 18, 2015 Before I offer my formal address tonight I would first like to acknowledge a number of people this evening including Bishop Paul Bird, Bishop of Ballarat and Patron of the College, Dr Wayne Tinsey, Executive Director, Edmund Rice Education Australia, Mr Terry Lloyd, Deputy Chair St Patrick’s…


Wellbeing Report – November 19, 2015

Speech Night Thank you to the parents and boys who supported the event, and a particular thanks to those staff who organised and ran the evening, including preparing the boys to ensure it was a fitting way to mark their achievements in 2015. A community that celebrates the achievements of its members is a strong…


Teaching and Learning Report – November 19, 2015

2016 Booklists and iPad Resources Lists The 2016 booklists for current Years 7-11 students will be distributed to the boys via their Pastoral Care groups in the coming days.- Current Years 7, 8, 10 and 11 boys will also receive the 2016 iPad Resources List specific to their year level. Incoming 2016 Year 7 families,…


College Chaplain Reflection – November 19, 2015

In the last newsletter I took the opportunity to promote the Vocations Retreat which the College Mission Team will run on Saturday 28th November. Thanks to the parents who have made inquiries. We have now sent out invitations, but if any parents are still interested in finding out more about the event please feel free…


Mission Report – November 19, 2015

The horror of Paris still dominates the headlines. In the highly charged response it has been declared an attack on our freedom, but this response needs some examination. In their logic, the terrorists would also claim they acted in freedom to defend and expand their world view -“ so the language of freedom risks becoming…


Junior School Report – November 19, 2015

The last few weeks of Term 4 are upon us and there are many things to be done before the end of the school year. Year 7 Presentation Evening This year’s Junior School Presentation Evening will take place next Thursday 26, November at 7:30pm in the O’Malley Sports Centre. All Year 7 boys are expected…