
General News

Careers Update – July 17, 2015

Work Experience Wrap Over the June-July holiday period Year 10 work experience was held. Over 180 students faced the world of work head on and came away with a deeper understanding of what career directions they could follow. Nearly all reports back from the employers showed an outstanding commitment by our boys to the tasks…



A group of St Patrick’s College Year 11 Chemistry students recently delved into the world of forensics with a CSI-like mock murder investigation, as part of a- -‘Monash Murder Mystery Challenge’ with the Monash University School of Chemistry. The 16 budding forensic scientists were provided with a mock murder scenario and charged with the task…


Headmaster’s Message – July 16, 2015

Dear Parents and Guardians, ICON (Integrated Catholic Online Network) The CECV Integrated Catholic Online Network (ICON) is a state-wide project that is underpinned by our commitment, as educators in Catholic schools,- to ensuring that every child and young person in Victorian Catholic schools has access to the- same educational opportunities and resources. ICON will build…


Mission Report – July 16, 2015

Welcome to Term Three. This term is always a hard one to start. The weather is cold and wet and this is especially the case this year. In the last few days we have been warned of snow, hail and frost. But Term Three is marked by the gradual transformation into Spring when once again…


Wellbeing Report – July 16, 2015

It was great to see the return of the boys to school this week, bringing a -‘wintery bleak’ and empty school back to life again after the three week break. Students are the beating heart of a school and make it an enjoyable privilege to work with and teach-”complete with both their challenges and successes….


Teaching and Learning Report – July 16, 2015

The 2016 subject selection process In the coming weeks all current Years 8, 9, and 10 students will complete the various aspects of the 2016 subject selection process. Subject selection can be an anxious time and the College has a variety of procedures to support both students and parents. Firstly, parents and students should check…


Information Technology Update – July 16, 2015

Purchasing Apps and iBooks using an iTunes Gift Card When purchasing iPad apps or an iBook through iTunes or the iBook’s Book Store for use on your son’s iPad at school, we recommend the purchase be made using an Apple ID that your son can manage. This then enables your son to update the app…


Administration Report – July 16, 2015

Immunisations On Monday July 20 students in Years 8 & 9 who have returned completed immunisation cards will be receiving the vaccine that protects against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough. From 2016, this vaccine will be offered to Year 7 students only. This will provide earlier protection from these diseases. If you have not returned…


Senior School Report – July 16, 2015

Term 2 concluded with the Year 12 social held at the Ballarat Lodge. The evening provided a great forum for the boys to let their hair down and enjoy each others company prior to getting down and focusing on their studies in Term 3. This term we have certainly hit the ground running and it…


Middle School Report – July 16, 2015

The beginning of Semester Two is an excellent time to remind and encourage the boys to either continue with or begin good study habits.- Included in this weeks Crest are some simple guidelines the boys can use to assist with their study.- Important skills the boys need to master include Time Management and Being Organised.-…