
General News

2015 National Sorry Day Assembly

As is its annual custom, St Patrick’s College today marked National Sorry Day with a full school assembly in the Br. W.T. O’Malley Sports Centre. In 2015, the College has 51 indigenous students enrolled, including 11 in Year 12. One of those Year 12 students, Christopher Saunders, presented this speech at the assembly. “Welcome and…


Support for victims and survivors

St Patrick’s College is providing the opportunity for the community to show their support for victims/survivors involved in the Royal Commission being heard this month. The College is encouraging all its community members to tie a blue, green or white ribbon to the College’s front gates and fence as a symbol of support. Headmaster John…


Headmaster’s Message – May 15, 2015

Dear Friends As you will be aware, the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse will conduct public hearings in Ballarat over the next three weeks. Over this time a number of victims/survivors will speak about their own individual stories of abuse in the Diocese of Ballarat involving Catholic clergy and religious associated…


Year 7 Optional Excurison to Observatory

All Year 7 Students are invited to attend an optional excursion to the Ballarat Municipal Observatory as part of their studies into- Astronomy in Science. For more information please click on this link


Senior School – May 15, 2015

“I have done my best!” This week I would like to challenge the claim, “I have done my best” made by many students. In my opinion this claim is a cop out and one which I usually refute. Curiously it is a claim that we as parents often accept from our sons. If your son…


Middle School Report – May 15, 2015

Boys, Motivation and Success Successful learners are motivated to learn. They want to meet the challenge of a new task, master it, increase their knowledge, understanding and competence, and satisfy their interest and curiosity. Such students tend to seek more challenging tasks, make greater effort, show greater persistence in the face of difficulty, use more…


Careers Update – May 15, 2015

SPC Careers Blog has all the latest career- news, events and information for students and parents in one easy and accessible location:-– RECENT POSTS RMIT Experience Days Work Experience of a Lifetime– – VU Weekly Career News Tuesday 12 May 2015 2016 MacPherson- Smith- Rural- Foundation scholarships National Youth Science Forum 2016 Get a…


Boarding Report – May 15, 2015

Director of Boarding The future!! People seem to spend so much time worrying about what the future may hold -“ I often look to characters in our rich past, far wiser than me, for inspiration and none have had more influence on me than former British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill. Churchill once said “It is…


Mission Report – May 15, 2015

Last week we celebrated Edmund Rice Day with Mass in the O’Malley Gym. With Fr James Kerr away in the Holy Land, Fr Justin Driscoll graciously stepped in to lead our celebration of the Eucharist. His homily was a gift to our community. This week I invite you to step aside from your busy routines,…


Adminstration Report – May 15, 2015

Immunisations Changes to the vaccine program In 2015 major changes to the vaccine program will impact on parents of secondary school students. 1. In 2015 only, the vaccine that protects against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough will be offered to all students in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10. From 2016, this vaccine will be…