
General News

August 21, 2021 – College update on COVID-19

Dear Parents, Carers and Guardians of St Patrick’s College, Once again, we have been forced into a period of lockdown due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. St Patrick’s College is ever mindful of the impact on both wellbeing and on learning that this constant state of flux is having on all our students and staff….


Teaching and Learning Report – Tutoring Available for students from Year 7-11

By Director of Teaching and Learning, Mrs Julia Petrov We are offering a range of tutoring opportunities for students in Years 7 – 11. VCE Units 3/4 subjects have additional tutoring times set by their faculties. Students don’t need to attend the whole time and there’s no need to book. We encourage students to just…


Principal’s Message

by Principal, Mr Steven O’Connor Semester 1 Academic Awards – Chris Nolan and Academic Endeavour Awards During the course of this week I had the great pleasure of presenting certificates to boys who had achieved an Academic Endeavour Award and/or a Chris Nolan Award based on their efforts during the course of Semester 1, 2021….


Director of Sports Report

Director of Sport, Ms Tina Benoit, provides an update on sporting activities at the College. Please click on the link below to view the Sports Report. Sports Report Term 3 Week 6


Junior School Report

By Mr Gavin Webb, Director of the Junior School Academic Assembly The College’s Academic Assembly (Chris Nolan awards) had been postponed to Tuesday, August 17. Obviously due to COVID restrictions we were unable to hold this assembly in its normal format on that date. It was decided to change the format, so we were still…


Senior School Report

by Director of the Senior School, Mr Hamish McCrum Unfortunately, we were unable to hold our Academic Assembly in our normal way this semester.  However, we did present our young men with various academic awards this week: Chris Nolan Certificates for Academic Achievement, Unit Three (Year 12) Awards to students who were leading at the…


KRC Update

by Director of Library and Information Services, Ms Leonie Darken The library has been a hive of activity recently.  Notably, we have had Year 8 classes in, utilizing the larger tabletops and stationery supplies as they create board games.  This has been part of their assessment task related to the Humanities topic of Geography.  The…


Careers Update

Please read the Weekly Career News each week to ensure you keep up to date with upcoming career events and key dates. Please click on the following link to view the current Weekly Careers News. Weekly Careers News 19 August 2021 Mr Anthony Meehan Careers and Transition Manager


Boarding Bulletin Board

* Following on from the process of selecting a College Captain and College House Captains, the process of selecting the 2022 Captain of Boarding has begun. Year 11 boarding students have been invited to submit an application letter to the Director of Boarding, indicating why they would like the position and what they may bring…


Performing Arts Report

by Ms Monique Allen, Head of Co-Curricular Performance The 80th Annual Purton Oratory Competition Next Thursday, August 26 the annual Purton Oratory Competition will take place in the KRC. Although normally held in the Spring Boardroom this year the wonderful team in the KRC have agreed to host the event which will place us right…