
General News

Teaching and Learning Report

By Director of Teaching and Learning, Mrs Julia Petrov Remote Learning The return again to remote learning has required adjustment and adaption of our courses and planned classwork. We appreciate all that families are doing to support their boys in their learning from home.  It can be a bit lonely studying from home and we…


Senior School Report

by Director of the Senior School, Mr Hamish McCrum At the time of writing we are in our second week of this lockdown.   We are all hoping that we will come out of it on Wednesday.  At this time, it is important that we focus on those things we can control.  From an academic standpoint,…


Boarding Bulletin Board

* Term 3 started with the excitement and enthusiasm we have come to expect upon the return from a three-week break. Our returning boarding students shared stories of holiday adventures and quality time spent with friends and family. It was wonderful to hear the Boarding Precinct alive with the sounds of excitable chatter. * Over…


External VCE VET Cluster Program Applications and School-Based Apprenticeships

by Director of Pathways and Applied Learning, Mr Damian Kinnersly External VCE VET Cluster Program Applications Opening Soon As we are currently underway with subject selections, applications for the external VCE VET programs will be opening soon. Students have the opportunity to participate in these programs that St Patrick’s is unable to offer through our…


Performing Arts Report

by Ms Monique Allen, Head of Co-Curricular Performance This is not the start to the term that we were hoping for however there is no time to dwell, we are locked in for a very busy term in the world of performing arts. Lots of events have been rescheduled due to the lock down and…


Director of Sports Report

Director of Sport, Ms Tina Benoit, provides an update on sporting activities at the College. Please click on the link below to view the Sports Report. Sports Report Term 3 Week 2


Principal’s Message

by Principal, Mr Steven O’Connor Lockdown and Remote Learning v5 Welcome back to Term 3. This certainly is not how I wanted the new term to commence and I am conscious that returning to lockdown and remote learning yet again, is less than an ideal way for the College to operate and for students to…


Junior School Report

By Mr Gavin Webb, Director of the Junior School “Attitudes are infectious…Is yours worth catching?” Over the last week I have heard many people say, “I can’t believe this, back in lockdown again, how terrible”, whilst I have heard other people say, “it could be worse, we’ll get through this, we did longer stints last…


Cyber Bullying: Imaged Based Abuse

by Deputy Principal, Mrs Elizabeth Ryan Cyber Bullying: Imaged Based Abuse One very common challenge that has emerged as young people have increased access to technology is student on student Online sexual harassment and image-based abuse. Winter holidays and the current lockdown result in many of our students having large amounts of downtime and, of necessity,…


Wellbeing services for students during remote learning

by Deputy Principal, Mrs Elizabeth Ryan As Lockdown No 5 extends into next week our boys are again forced to manage the uncertainty which lockdown creates: Will we be going on Year 8 camp? When will footy resume? Will the GAT be rescheduled? From past experience we know that this uncertainty creates a degree of…