
General News

2019 College Captain’s Valedictory Address

2019 College Captain Aidan Hanrahan delivered this address at the Valedictory Dinner on Friday, November 22. *Now I said to myself I wasn’t going to cry tonight but…* Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen, and for the last time ever, it’s a pleasure to be here. Brothers, our journey together began way back almost six years…


Engagements, Marriages and Births – December 2019

WEDDINGS Congratulations to Darcy Osborne (SPC 2008-12, PY2013) and Allana Mayne who were married on November 23. Darcy was well looked after by several old Boys as groomsmen, including Ben Jackson (SPC 2008-13) and Jack McGrath (SPC 2008-13). Congratulations to Jacob Dalli (SPC 2004-09) and Ally who were married on November 16.   BIRTHS A…


2019 Staff Farewells

The conclusion of each school year not only means we say farewell to many students, but also some staff members. Each year’s end is met with a tinge of sadness when staff members, teachers and non-teachers, conclude their time at St Patrick’s College and prepare for their next challenge in life. Some of these people…


Discontinuation of Bacchus Marsh late bus service

St Patrick’s College has decided that, due to declining passenger numbers, it will discontinue its Bacchus Marsh late bus service in 2020. The service has been running for 17 years, transporting boys home on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays with stops at Gordon, Ballan and Bacchus Marsh. The College has never offered such services for other…


Farewell to departing committee members and Board chair

St Patrick’s College held a Christmas dinner this week to thank our volunteers who serve on the Board and committees and to say a fond farewell to those who are stepping down from their positions. In particular the College gave great thanks to Emeritus Professor Terry Lloyd who has stepped down from the role as…


College Dux scores 99.9

Congratulations to our 2019 College Dux Matthew Duffy who has scored an incredible 99.9 ATAR score. Matthew has been an outstanding contributor during his six years at St Patrick’s College and has been a wonderful role model to his fellow students. While his academic excellence has never been questioned, his commitment to many co-curricular endeavours…


Class of 1993 gather for informal reunion

It was great to see several members of the Year 12 Class of 1993 gather at the weekend for an informal reunion at the Freight Bar in Ballarat. The cohort was rocked recently by the tragic death of Old Collegian Gerald (Ged) O’Sullivan (SPC 1990-93) who was killed in a car accident in Western Australia,…


Old Collegians gather for 2019 Christmas Luncheon at the Emerald Hotel

A tradition started several years ago by Old Collegians Michael Dowd (SPC 1964-69) and Noel Sheehan (SPC 1964-70) to organise informal quarterly Old Boys lunches continues to gather strength. On the first Friday of each new season, Michael and Noel invite as many Old Boys as possible to join them for a few drinks and…


Sons of an Old Boy visit the College

We welcomed brothers Robert and Paul Dallimore back to the College recently. Robert and Paul are the sons of Old Collegian Craig Dallimore (SPC 1954), a retired Melbourne pharmacist, who will be celebrating his 80th birthday next year! Craig was a boarder from Drysdale and completed his sub-intermediate studies at SPC in 1954 before moving to St Joseph’s…


Final day of classes for 2019

Today is the final day of classes for 2019. As our students prepare for their Christmas holidays it presents us an opportunity to reflect on 2019 as the year that was. While it is almost impossible to capture everything that happens in a school and a community as large and diverse at St Patrick’s, we…