
General News

Old Collegian Kyle Foley (SPC 2002-07) delivers baby daughter at home

Congratulations to Old Collegian Kyle Foley (SPC 2002-07) who helped deliver his newborn daughter at home recently.                   Kyle and his wife Kirsty got as far as the car in late October when Kirsty went into labour and they realised they would not make it to the…


Year 7 animations on College values

Year 7 students have spent the past few weeks learning animation in their Information Technology classes. As part of their learning, students were assigned the task to create projects using the Scratch animation software. Students were asked to theme their projects around the values inherent in a St Patrick’s College education. They were required to…


Old Boys turn out at OCA Regional Geelong Dinner

It was a terrific night of catching up and reminiscing at the OCA Regional Geelong Dinner recently. Old Boys from the Geelong district turned out for the annual dinner at the Lord of the Isles Tavern. The annual get-together provides a wonderful opportunity for Old Boys to gather and catch-up in an informal setting. Thank…


New Bishop attends OCA Bendigo Regional Dinner

We were delighted that Old Collegian and new Bishop of Sandhurst Fr Shane Mackinlay (SPC 1977-82) was able to join us at the recent OCA Bendigo Regional Dinner. Fr Shane, who was officially ordained in a special ceremony recently, was among the great turn-out of Old Collegians, who met at The Foundry Hotel for the annual…


Director of Sports Report

Director of Sport, Ms Tina Benoit, provides a wrap-up of all sporting activities at the College. To view the sports report please click on the link below. Sports Report Term 4 Week 8


Administration Report

by Director of Administration, Mr Tom Ferguson Throughout the duration of the 2019 school year there have been ongoing conversations regarding the possibility of moving to a single lunch in 2020. Staff and students have supported the move to one lunch. Currently we are in the process of putting in place effective solutions to facilitate…


Mission Report

by Director of Mission, Mr Geoff Brodie The rhythm and rituals of the liturgical season unfold the entire mystery of Christ over the course of the year. This Sunday the season of Advent begins. When the Church celebrates the liturgy of Advent each year, she makes present this ancient expectancy of the Messiah, for by…


Boarding Bulletin Board Term 4 Week 8

Boarding Bulletin Board Term 4 Week 8   News around the Boarding Precinct   The 2019 Valedictory Dinner was held on Friday night in the beautifully transformed St Patrick’s College Gymnasium. It was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the achievements of the class of 2019, especially our Boarding cohort who have completed many successful years…


Junior School Report

By Director of the Junior School, Mr Gavin Webb Where has this term gone? That is the question that everyone keeps asking. The fact that life in the Junior School has been so busy explains why the time is going so quickly. The Year 8 Retreats were very successful, thanks must go to the Mission…


Middle School Report

by Acting Director of the Middle School, Mr Matthew Taylor As we approach the final week of teaching and learning students continue to work towards the end of the year busily finishing off any final assessments and preparing for the end of year exams. On Friday November 22 a small group of Year 9 students…