Information Technology
Information Technology Update – November 15, 2018
Cyber Safety Pastoral Care Program Cyber Safety continues to be a core part of the Pastoral Care program being delivered to all students in Years 7 and 8 this term. The Cyber Safety Pastoral Care Program is designed to educate and support our children in the positive use of technology and the value it can…
Information Technology Update – November 1, 2018
Year 9 Students 1:1 Device 2019 and beyond Our current Year 9 students are using parent owned iPads as their 1:1 device which they started using at the start of Year 7 2016. However, moving in to Year 10 in 2019, the boys will begin to be a part of the Senior School 1:1 program…
Information Technoloy Update – October 18, 2018
Cyber Safety Pastoral Care Program The Pastoral Care program being delivered to all students in Years 7 and 8 this term directs its attention to the important topic of Cyber Safety. Keeping our students safe while using electronic devices and teaching them to be good digital citizens has now become a critical part of the…
Information Technology Update – September 20, 2018
Office of the eSafety Comissioner Parents and staff often ask me about advice, information and resources to help them better understand the online world and to learn how they can help our young people be safe when they go online. We are all aware that going online can provide our young people with valuable information…
Information Technology Update – September 6, 2018
Care of Device -“ Avoid Water Damage in School Bag With spring upon us it can mean rain and showers can occur, particularly in Ballarat. Moreover, often Murphy’s Law will apply – “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong” and the rain or showers will occur just as the boys are going to or…
Information Technology Update – August 23, 2018
Can you see your son’s diary? – App4 Parent Login App4 is the official College diary and is used by teachers and students across the different year levels on both iPads and notebooks. Parents are also able to access their son’s eDiary to view their Homework and Assignments. However, to login to view your son’s…
Information Technology Update – August 9, 2018
ICT in the Classroom Since the introduction of 1:1 devices for students at the College, the use of ICT in teaching and learning has increased extensively in an incredibly rich and powerful way. It is now at a point in many classrooms where if there are any issues with the devices working or connecting to…
Information Technology Update – July 26, 2018
eLearning Strategic Plan Review Update The ICT Executive Committee have continued to work on the College eLearning Strategic Plan review. The Committee has spent many hours reviewing feedback and input from major stakeholders through the following mediums: Staff and Student Focus Groups Staff online survey Student online survey Parent online survey Having now analysed the…
Information Technology Update – June 20, 2018
Protecting Devices in wet weather We are now entering the colder months of the year and with that the threat of rain increases as we saw last Sunday with torrential rain causing many sporting events to be cancelled. With all students at the College having 1:1 devices, it is important students have in place a…
Information Technology Update – June 07, 2018
Balancing protection with education when it comes to children and technology on Life A recent episode of Life Matters on ABC Radio National had Cyber Safety experts Susan Mclean and Dr Michael Salter discuss the dilemma parents and schools face in balancing protection with education when students go online. Susan McLean is an ex-Victoria Police…