

Mission Report – May 10, 2018

Last Friday we celebrated Edmund Rice Day with our annual Mass, Walkathon and Talent Show. It is a day when we experience the reality of our community. I offer Fr Anthony’s homily from the Mass and warmly encourage everyone to take the time to read his very well-chosen words. EDMUND RICE -“ FEAST DAY -“…


Mission Report – April 26, 2018

He is Risen. He is Risen indeed! Welcome to Term Two and may the joy of Jesus’ Resurrection overflow in the hearts of all in the community of St Patrick’s College. The Church reminds us through the liturgical season that love is God’s victory when the Easter Season lasts fifty days, in contrast to the…


Mission Report – March 28, 2018

This term seems to have come to a close quicker than most. Though I am sure that many are pleased that a holiday is upon us, there is also the risk that the great festival of Easter may come and go just as quickly as the term. This would be a major oversight and one…


Mission Report – March 15, 2018

So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation; everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new. (2 Cor 5:17) Our annual celebration of St Patrick’s Day experienced newness as Fr Justine Driscoll, Vicar General of Ballarat and Fr Anthony Nagothu our College Chaplain, led us in the Eucharist. Gathered around…


Social Justice – College Fundraising

College Fundraising Boys have been encouraged over the recent weeks to donate for two of our annual fundraisers: Project Compassion, and the Easter Egg Drive. St Patrick’s College has developed a strong relationship with Caritas Australia over time through the ongoing support of the school community. Each year, students generously contribute to Project Compassion- an…


Mission Report – March 1, 2018

The Gospel of Mark records Jesus’ call of his first disciples in this way: As Jesus passed along the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the sea-”for they were fishermen. And Jesus said to them, -Follow me and I will make you fish for people.- And immediately…


Mission Report – February 15, 2018

We are now in the Season of Lent: that time in which we prepare to celebrate the joy of Easter. As with all -‘pre-season’ preparations, we are called to a richer discipline in our lives that helps us focus on what is truly important. At our liturgy on Wednesday, College Captain Sam Williams put it…


Mission Report – February 2, 2018

For 125 years St Patrick’s College has welcomed young men and their families through the front gates. In this special year may I extend a warm welcome to our new families and our returning families. Together we take up the responsibility of ensuring that our students grow in faith, hope and love. For though we…


Mission Report – December 5, 2017

St Patrick’s College is a Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition. When we wish to offer a vision of who we are we may start with our Touchstones: Gospel spirituality Liberating education Justice and solidarity Inclusive community But what of the next set of questions? Why the Touchstones? Where do they come from? One…


Mission Report – November 23, 2017

One of my favourite books to read during a quiet moment is a one volume dictionary of British history. This little gem contains precise and concise entries from The Treaty of Aachen to the Zulu people. The entries on the kings and queens makes for interesting reading. History has passed the whole range verdicts on…