
Old Collegians

Engagements, Marriages and Births

ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES AND BIRTHS ENGAGEMENTS Mark Molloy (SPC 2008-2003) has announced his engagement to Jane Webb. Rhys Allan (SPC 2003-08) proposed to Meghan Kennedy in the most romantic city in the world – Paris, France -“ and she said yes! – MARRIAGES Congratulations to Kieran Torpy (SPC 1999-2004) and Hayley Charles, who were married at…


Where are they now – Joe Hurst (SPC 1980-84, PY85)

The College- reconnects with former boarder Joe Hurst (SPC 1980-84, PY1985) who has enjoyed an amazing career and has started his own company in Indonesia, combining his love of mining and motorsports.     Where has life taken you since leaving SPC? At the end of Term 1, 1984, my family moved to Perth, WA….


Where are they now – Gerard Bourke (former staff)

The College reconnects with former staff member Gerard Bourke, who taught at SPC between 1992-2002. He was Deputy Principal for the first eight years, Director of Boarding for two years and Curriculum Co-ordinator for the last year.   Please tell us about your life and time working at St Patrick’s College?   I started my…


Old Boys in the News – November 2017

Our Old Boys have been in the news, including: Luke Taylor (SPC 1995-2000), pictured above, who has had an emotional reunion with the paramedics who saved his life after a terrible cycling accident on the outskirts of Ballarat earlier this year. Luke talks about the accident, his multiple injuries and his slow recovery in this…


Old Collegian Colin Gregson (SPC 1910-11)

Whatever happened to Colin Leslie Gregson, Service Number 561? – Colin Gregson (SPC 1910-1911) was an old collegian who volunteered for service in WWI. Although his war service record was easy to find, and formed part of the research for the College publication, Our Bravest, released in 2015, like some returned soldiers, it was not…


Engagements, Marriages and Births – September 2017

BIRTHS Congratulations to Leigh and Jo McKee (current staff members) on the birth of Jack William McKee, who was born on September 18 at 9.05pm weighing 7lb 4oz. Apparently, he’s the spitting image of his Dad! – –


Old Collegians tackle Kokoda together

A group of SPC Old Collegians from 1990 tackled the Kokoda Track together recently. The group, pictured above, included- Stefan Seketa (1985-90), Michael Hughes (1987-90), Mark Bond (1988-90), Robert Calnon (1985-90), Paul Barry (1987-90)- and- Paul Fogarty (1988-90).- We thank the men for sharing the trip with us, and Stefan Seketa writes about their –…


Where are they now – Brian Dillon (SPC 1954-57)

The College reconnect with Brian Dillon (SPC 1954-57) who remembers being led by a magnificent group of Brothers who upheld their vows and gave exemplary leadership and example in every way.   Where has life taken you since leaving SPC? After leaving St Patrick’s with the Leaving certificate, I began a pharmacy apprenticeship which I…


Where our they now – Brendon Stahl (SPC 1960-62)

The College reconnects with former boarder Brendon Stahl (SPC 1960-62) who remembers being told by Br (Bill) O’Malley that he was -as silly as the train that went up the middle of the main street of Wycheproof-.-   Where has life taken you since leaving SPC? I joined the State Bank of Victoria in Wycheproof…


Old Collegian Michael Tyquin (SPC 1963-70)

Old Collegian- Michael Tyquin (SPC 1963-70), a boarder from Laverton, is pictured above, in August with the Chief of Army, Lt. General Angus Campbell and Major General Paul McLachlan in Enoggera for the launch of his most recent book. Mike shares his story below. – Michael Tyquin attended SPC as a boarder from Laverton between…