
Old Collegians

War hero honoured at St Patrick’s College

One of Ballarat’s greatest unsung World War I heroes has finally been honoured in his home town with the installation of a plaque and the planting of an olive tree in his honour at St Patrick’s College. George Devine Treloar was a Military Cross medal winner for his heroic actions on the Somme and at…


War history comes alive online

History has come alive online at St Patrick’s College! For the first time ever, biographies of each and every Old Boy to have fought in World War I have been published in full on the College website. This fantastic historical achievement is the result of two years’ work by College archivist Catriona Banks. Simply click…


Throw your arms around me

Paul Madden (SPC 1990-95) lost his battle with cancer on May 17, 2015. During his time at SPC Paul was a Sports Prize recipient, and was vice captain of the 1st XVIII football team. Paul was also a member of the 1st XI Cricket team, and the Seconds Team Centurions. During his battle with cancer…


College mourns canteen pioneer

The College community is this week mourning the death of former parent Emma Basham who was a driving force in the establishment of the College canteen in the 1960s. Emma, known as Em, started working at St Pat’s in 1963, when Br Nangle spoke to her about starting up a tuckshop. Br Nangle knew that…


Jacob Hopper speech at John James Medal

1st XVIII captain Jacob Hopper delivered a memorable speech at the 2015 John James Medal, the best and fairest count for the St Patrick’s College football program. Following is the full transcript of his speech: “Good Evening Mr Crowley, staff, invited guests, parents and students. It is my absolute pleasure to be able to say…


Time to hit the greens for 2015 OCA Golf Day

The 14th annual SPC-OCA Golf Day will again be held at the Midlands Golf Club in 2015 following last year’s successful event which helped raise $2000 for the OCA. The OCA invites all members of the College community to participate in what is one of the highlights of the OCA social calendar. We encourage everyone…


Phil Nagle meets student leaders

On Tuesday, May 19 Old Collegian Philip Nagle (SPC 1976-80) was the first person called to the witness box in the Ballarat Case Study of the Royal Commission into Institutional Response to Child Sexual Abuse. Mr Nagle delivered an incredibly harrowing and heartbreaking description of the abuse he suffered at the hands of Br Stephen…


2015 SPC trek to Kokoda

SPC at PNG in 2015 In the cold darkness of 2am on June 22 in Ballarat 25 Staff, students, ex-students, parents and friends of the College began the journey of life time to PNG.- During the next 15 days they walked the gruelling Kokoda track, completed a service project at Kokoda College, visited the villages…


Ordination of Fr Francis Denton

There was much joy for the wider St Patrick’s College community in late June when former student Francis Denton (SPC 1994-99) was ordained to the priesthood at St Patrick’s Cathedral in Melbourne. In doing so, Fr Francis became the 317th Old Boy to pursue such a life of faith, and the first since the ordination…


Headmaster’s Message – May 29, 2015

Dear Student, Parents, Guardians and Friends of St Patrick’s College, Throughout last week at the Royal Commission, I have heard some heartbreaking stories, including those of past students, who suffered sexual abuse during their time at St Patrick’s College. I have been deeply saddened and shocked by what I have heard. At the same time,…