
Senior School

SPC grows together in Movember

Growing a mo to support mental health By Pastoral Care Co-ordinator Mr Brad Murray To continue the important discussions on men’s health at St Patrick’s College, this month, being the month of November, we will celebrate Movember. Staff and senior students have been invited to participate and we’d love to garner further support from our…


2020 College Captain presents first address to assembly

Will Rothe, the incoming 2020 College Captain, presented his first full address to the College Community at the final full school assembly for 2019 which was held in the Br W. T. O’Malley Sports Centre on Tuesday, October 29. Following is a full transcript of Will’s speech: “Good morning invited guests, staff and fellow Paddy…


Senior School Report – October 18, 2019

Unit 3/4 Practice Exams, September/October Holidays As is always the case, Term 4 seems to be moving rapidly, especially for our Year 12s. There is much to do in the term. Most of our Year 12s came in and did their practice exams in the holidays. They are now using their feedback to improve their…


Year 10 Mindshop Excellence Work Experience Program 2019

Year 10 Mindshop Excellence Work Experience program 2019 Mindshop Excellence is a structured five-day work experience program involving a small group of Year 10 students who were placed with the host organisation, Ballarat City Council, where they were given a real problem to solve for the Council during the week. Along with students from other…


Senior School Report – September 5, 2019

A couple of weeks ago I had the privilege of sitting on a panel and interviewing the prospective student leaders for 2020.- We were blessed with an abundance of fine candidates.- Unfortunately, some very capable students with the capacity to adequately fill a role on Student Council will not make it onto Student Council.- These…


2020 Student Council announced

  St Patrick’s College is excited to announce its new student leaders who will fill the crucial roles on the Student Council for 2020. Acting Headmaster – Wellbeing Mrs Elizabeth Ryan said she was incredibly impressed by the qualities of candidates who applied for a role as a student leader. “Following a lengthy process of student…


Senior School Report – July 26, 2019

Welcome back for Semester 2. – I hope that all managed to enjoy some rest as well as completing some work in the holidays.- Not all of us managed something as extraordinary as the Kokoda Track; well done to all who took this on. Students are in the process of choosing which course they will…


Generous donation creates new bursary

St Patrick’s College, through its Foundation, is delighted to announce the establishment of an ongoing new bursary, courtesy of the incredible generosity of a grieving family in honour of a College Legend. The Geoff Torney Bursary is being established in honour of the acclaimed Old Collegian who died in 2017. Geoff’s wife Janet, in accordance…


Senior School Report – June 20, 2019

This coming week we wish our Year 10’s well while they are out on work-experience.- Some students will gain an idea, specifically or generally, of the direction they might like to work toward in terms of career.- For some students their work experience might even lead to an offer of an apprenticeship or part time…


Senior School Report – May 17, 2019

Last night our Year 10s spent the night -sleeping rough- in an attempt to increase their empathy for the homeless.- A talk and video from Craig Schepsis (Ballarat Soup Bus) gave the boys some insight into the variety of causes of homelessness and the difficulties and vulnerabilities that follow on from this.- When children end…