

Wellbeing Report – February 15, 2018

Travelling to and from St Patricks College Parents, please ensure that your son is aware of his responsibilities as a commuter and the need to adhere to the code of conduct fair and reasonably expected of all commuters regardless of whether they are a students of St Patrick’s College.- How a student travels to and…


Launch of our Great Man video

As St Patrick’s College celebrates its 125th anniversary in 2018, we felt it was a crucial time to revisit and redefine our mission to -raise fine boys to the status of great men-. We asked ourselves, what is a great man? How do we define greatness? To answer these challenging questions the College embarked upon…


Wellbeing Report – February 2, 2018

A very warm welcome back to all students and families (in more than one sense!). We particularly welcome those who are joining the College community for the first time (225 new families at the time of writing). In particular, we welcome all our 225 new students in Year 7 as well as the 51 new…


Pastoral Care Report – February 2, 2018

2018 Pastoral Care Program: Information for- Parents As the 2018 academic year commences, students will begin working within the Pastoral Care Program, with their Pastoral Care Tutor.- This essential wellbeing program allows students to develop key skills in building resilience, making good decisions, coping skills, managing conflict and emotions, as well as to assist them…


Wellbeing Report – December 6, 2017

Lost Property The ERC currently holds a large amount of lost property. As your son arrives home with the contents of his locker should you notice that he no longer has his tech coat, jumper, spray jacket, lunch box etc please take the time to pop in and see Glenis before December 14 to see…


Pastoral Care Report – November 9, 2017

Keeping Safe: Information for- Parents As part of St Patrick’s College mission to create a safe and secure learning environment for our students, it is crucial that our broader community of parents are well-informed with the latest information and research available, so we can work as partners to keep our students safe.- This week’s focus…


Wellbeing Report – November 9, 2017

St Patrick’s College Annual Christmas Appeal- In the week beginning Monday November 20, 2017 we shall be conducting our annual Christmas Appeal. This year we will have a themed approach. On Monday November 20 and Wednesday November 22 we request that all boys bring in one nonperishable item like tinned food or dried food. On…


Wellbeing Report – October 26, 2017

Hay Fever Season With the warmer weather we are experiencing a significant number of boys presenting in sick bay with hay fever. The College does not prescribe or distribute hay fever medication or antihistamines upon request. However, should your son be on regular hay fever medication we are happy to assist in the supervised administration…


Pastoral Care Report – October 24, 2017

Both educators and parents can benefit greatly from maintaining a currency of knowledge in regards to the wellbeing of our young people. One way this can be achieved is through reading the latest research and/or ideas presented by leading professionals in the field of wellbeing and mental health.- One such book is called -‘The Prince…


Wellbeing Report – October 12, 2017

Welcome back to Term 4. A term that is jam-packed with teaching, learning and extra curricula events. Ove the holidays I had the opportunity to read a recently published book by Michael Carr-Greig and Elly Robinson called –the PRINCE BOOFHEAD syndrome– (Surviving adolescent boys.) I would highly recommend this as mandatory reading for all parents…