Deputy Principal Report
by Deputy Principal, Mrs Elizabeth Ryan Welcome to the 2021 school year. On one of the wettest days in living memory our new Year 7 students and our seasoned Year 12 boys commenced the Academic year. However, no amount of rain could dampen the spirits of either group. The Year 7 Orientation Day went smoothly…
Deputy Principal Report
by Deputy Principal, Mrs Elizabeth Ryan As we come to the end of this year, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your flexibility and support throughout the year. Remote learning forced all in our community; students, teachers, parents and guardians to rise to the challenge of upskilling and enhancing…
Director of Students Report
By Director of Students, Mr Mike Silcock Albert Einstein once wrote “the only source of knowledge is experience.” As we look forward to welcoming our young men back to onsite learning in Term 4 we have certainly learnt from our experiences of returning from our last period of remote learning. The transition will be challenging,…
Remote Learning – Pastoral Care and Wellbeing
In these strange and unusual times, stress and anxiety can quickly become a point of focus for all of us – students, parents and staff. It is important to be conscious of your own wellbeing needs in these difficult times. Please take note that there are a range of external providers who can be utilised…
Counselling Services Continuing at St Patrick’s College
In these uncertain, strange and often difficult times, we want to first thank you for prioritising your son’s education. Amidst the myriad challenges we are facing, receiving traditional education in this untraditional setting is in turn likely to give rise to untraditional issues. During this flux, the counselling team would like you know that our…
Director of Students Report
By Director of Students, Mr Mike Silcock The education of our students is one in which we work in partnership with the student and their family. It is our way to listen to our families when they provide invaluable feedback on the educational journey of their son. This past week, we held a series of…
2020 Pastoral Care Program
2020 Pastoral Care Program: Information for Parents Year 7 Mentoring Program This week saw the commencement of a mentoring program for our Year 7 students. This program sees a group of student leaders who are passionate about student wellbeing meet with our Year 7 boys in small break out groups – having discussions about school…
Wellbeing Report
By Mrs Elizabeth Ryan, Deputy Principal Canteen Moving into Term 3 the amended canteen arrangements where students have the opportunity to pre-order lunch items via the Ultimate Schools online ordering system and also purchase a limited range of pre-packaged items in a cashless setting at recess and lunchtime will continue into Term 3. The Canteen…
Wellbeing Report
By Mrs Elizabeth Ryan, Deputy Principal The return of our senior students last week gave me the opportunity to witness the sheer joy each boy has in the company of his peers. It also gave all in leadership an opportunity to fine tune the many changes to routine and practice which have been implemented to…
Health and Safety at St Patrick’s College
As we return to face to face learning there are a few key health and safety messages which students, parents and staff will be required to follow whilst at the College: Hand Hygiene Hand sanitiser is located throughout the College. Soap, of course, is available in every bathroom. Each classroom has either hand sanitiser or…