Headmaster’s Message – November 1, 2018

October 31, 2018

Dear Parents, Carers, Friends, staff and Students of St Patrick’s College,

Term 4, as always, is progressing at a rapid rate. Our Year 12 students have currently commenced their formal examinations and we continue to pray for each of them to be sustained throughout these next few weeks. I would remind all students that their teachers are available to assist them leading up to the examination. Students should either attend in person to speak with their teacher or send through an email to arrange a suitable time.

In addition, our Year 11 students will commence their examinations next Friday and will, shortly afterwards, begin the Head-Start Program on Monday, November 19. It is essential for all Year 11 students to approach their final examinations with a high level of organisation. I would encourage our Year 11 students to speak to their teachers if there are any areas of concern well in advance of their first examination.

On Wednesday next week, our Year 9 students will venture to the Grampians to commence their three-day camp where they will enjoy a variety of graded hikes and activities. The Year 9 camp is always a highlight for our students and we wish them well. I acknowledge the generous time contribution of our attending staff to ensure our boys have an opportunity to participate in a very worthwhile experience.

At our Headmaster’s Assembly on Tuesday, all students and staff had the opportunity to hear from our newly elected College Captain for 2019, Aidan Hanrahan and his hopes for the student cohort next year. As a College community we congratulate Aidan on his first formal address and wish him, together with our Vice-Captains, Matthew Duffy and Jobe Quick, the Congress and Student Council all the very best as they commence their important leadership journey.

As our Performing Arts Students would be aware, initial preparations for our 2019 Production of SHREK The Musical have commenced, with a two-hour pre-audition workshop held last week at the College. I would encourage all students who have an interest in the Performing Arts to consider auditioning. Being a part of a large-scale production is a very worthwhile experience and provides a great opportunity to meet new friends, and develop skills in teamwork, acting, dancing and singing. If you have an interest in auditioning it is important to see Mr Ryan or Ms Allen as soon as possible. Auditions will take place at St Patrick’s College on Wednesday, November 7 and Thursday, November 8 from 3.45pm. Rehearsals will commence in Week 8 of this term.

I am pleased to announce that Mr Stephen Hill, our Deputy Headmaster in Learning and Teaching, has been reappointed to this position for a further two years. This reappointment recognises Stephen’s great vision for learning and teaching within the College, as well as the high regard in which Stephen is held as a senior leader by the College community. We congratulate Stephen warmly on this news and I include the formal announcement from EREA Executive Director, Dr Wayne Tinsey, which can be viewed by clicking on this link

Finally, I wish everyone well for the long weekend. I hope that all students come back revitalised for the final part of Term 4 which will, as always, be a busy one completing a range of assessment tasks as well as preparing for and sitting final examinations.

Mr John Crowley