Information Technology Update – September 10, 2015

September 9, 2015

iOS on the iPad

The mobile operating system of the iPad, iPhone and iPod is known as the iOS. iOS software updates are released on a regular basis – and introduce new features that let you do even more with your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. To ensure the iPad is always operating at its optimum effectiveness and so that you don’t miss out on the latest features it is important that the iOS is updated to its latest version. This is not done automatically but you can tell when an update is required. This is indicated by an alert on the Settings app. The latest version of iOS for the iPad is iOS 8.4.1. You can check the version of iOS your son’s iPad is running by following the instructions Updating the iOS Version on Your iPad.pdf found on the Parent iPad support website here:

App4 not working on iOS 7

It is important that all iPads used at the College are not using iOS 7. This is now quite an old iOS version and already there are a number of apps not work properly with this version of iOS. We are aware that a number of students may in fact be running iOS 7 on their iPads and it is important that they update the version of their iOS as soon as possible. Our iPad diary app vendor has informed us that shortly their App4 diary app will not work on iOS 7 and so it important that all students update their iPad to iOS 8. You could help your son check if they are in fact running iOS 8 by following the instructions Updating the iOS Version on Your iPad.pdf found on the Parent iPad support website here:

iOS 9 -“ Don’t update until further notice!

Apple will very soon release its latest major iOS software version-“ iOS 9. While normally it is good to keep all mobile devices updated to the latest version of the software, this is in fact a major new software release and we have asked that students do not update to iOS 9 until it is fully tested. Our text book vendor Learningfield have informed us they will need to test their app with iOS 9 first to make sure their app works properly before our students update to iOS 9. We have informed the boys not to update to iOS 9 until further notice and if you could reinforce this at home we can avoid having any students experience difficulties with their key apps on their iPad before they are fully tested – with iOS 9.

Mark Holland

Director of ICT